Level 19 Mixist
post #95794 ::
2018.02.11 11:32pm
algoziptunes, Aoi, anewuser, Slimeball, Flalcon, Yung Gotenks, irrlicht project, Quirby64, VinCMG, mootbooxle, b00daw, pedipanol, MiDoRi, RazerBlue6 and themnotyou liēkd this
algoziptunes, Aoi, anewuser, Slimeball, Flalcon, Yung Gotenks, irrlicht project, Quirby64, VinCMG, mootbooxle, b00daw, pedipanol, MiDoRi, RazerBlue6 and themnotyou liēkd this
Github it's crape but I wanna post it so you guys know I finally have it actually working
it compiles the music against a WIP synth library I'm also working on (which is about half the size of the already kind of small compiler)
I will post a code spec and an executable when I think it's ready for usage, for now here's a clip showing off the square-saw morph which I made accidentally trying to make a non-piecewise pulse function.
it compiles the music against a WIP synth library I'm also working on (which is about half the size of the already kind of small compiler)
I will post a code spec and an executable when I think it's ready for usage, for now here's a clip showing off the square-saw morph which I made accidentally trying to make a non-piecewise pulse function.