Back to the Future
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #628 :: 2005.08.04 11:20am :: edit 2005.08.04 11:21am
Ha HAAAA!!! It takes me forever to do things....

Battle of the Bits is now accepting photos from it's user base of party events. If you are logged in you will notice a <a href=""><b>u/l photo</b></a> option in the left <b>NAVI</b> menu. Photos can be no wider than 600 pixels and no larger than 200kb in size. Please feel free to contribute.

<b>So what did we learn from this event?</b>
Having more than one party organized for one remix competition is rather stressful. In the future the 'playback party' may be quite downplayed unless a simpler solution presents itself. Much more energy will be focused around the 'Rewards Show' - the whole of competition stages (sample accumulation, remixing, track voting) will be based on such a date.

<b>Ann Arbor IV</b> will apex at the Blind Pig in early November. More words on that in about a month. I'm taking a break from developing BotB until mid-September.
Level 23 Samplist
post #629 :: 2005.08.09 5:05pm
-random Idea-

maybe create a page with links to other re-mix compos

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