Level 11 Grafxicist
post #93364 ::
2017.12.18 12:47pm
sleeparrow, raphaelgoulart, JINTAKE, pigdevil2010, Post-retro, ViLXDRYAD, MiDoRi, A-zu-ra, Quirby64, RazerBlue6, Dimeback, Flaminglog and Flalcon liēkd this
sleeparrow, raphaelgoulart, JINTAKE, pigdevil2010, Post-retro, ViLXDRYAD, MiDoRi, A-zu-ra, Quirby64, RazerBlue6, Dimeback, Flaminglog and Flalcon liēkd this
Hi y'all. I logged in today after some time unactive and wondered if this site has or had some character or characters that function something like a logo (Like the ones from the old Newgrounds).
And if not, would you people like to do a battle to death for setting one, or various?
Just a dumb tought. May be fun.
And if not, would you people like to do a battle to death for setting one, or various?
Just a dumb tought. May be fun.