Level 26 Mixist
post #88479 ::
2017.07.25 11:07pm
Quirby64, sleeparrow, dpc, OrdinateIsDead, puke7, irrlicht project, mootbooxle and Sinc-X liēkd this
Quirby64, sleeparrow, dpc, OrdinateIsDead, puke7, irrlicht project, mootbooxle and Sinc-X liēkd this
Congratulations to the winners of Detroit XI! It was another great and chaotic battle. Detroit has a way of making things chaotic and this battle was no exception!
I was unable to enter or attend the playback party because of a bed bug disaster. I was, however, able to scan art and upload my latest album! I lost most of my possessions and won't be making music until I move (in a week) and get a new laptop. Although I'll need to get a new job to afford a laptop, I hope fellow Botbrs will check out my first full length release since 2013! Appropriately named "The Storm".
Free or donate, what matters is that you enjoy it XD
I was unable to enter or attend the playback party because of a bed bug disaster. I was, however, able to scan art and upload my latest album! I lost most of my possessions and won't be making music until I move (in a week) and get a new laptop. Although I'll need to get a new job to afford a laptop, I hope fellow Botbrs will check out my first full length release since 2013! Appropriately named "The Storm".
Free or donate, what matters is that you enjoy it XD