Working on a track in reaper with FM Drive
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 12 Mixist
post #84973 :: 2017.05.31 5:49am
  garvalf liēkd this

Working on this track in reaper using fmdrive, I'm starting to love this vst.
Let me know what you guys think so far, obviously the song isn't done :).
Level 12 Mixist
post #84982 :: 2017.05.31 10:37am :: edit 2017.05.31 10:37am
Thanks man :), glad you like it :)! I will probably finish it sometime next week, actually I'm thinking about making my first chiptune mini album but we'll see.

I love FM synthesis, nice thought I'll look into that ;).

By the way glad to have you as a new follower, I followed you back :).

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