a little progress
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #524 :: 2005.06.15 1:27pm :: edit 2005.06.15 1:29pm
<a href="http://battleofthebits.com/depository.php?act=s_results&comp=2">Here are the actual Sample Voting Results</a> for this competition.
I'm behind - but it's better that I take the time to create a versatile engine so that, in the future, things are as automated as possible...

The sample engine has been turned back on. So players can continue to contribute by uploading & voting. However, samples uploaded contemporarily will not be used for the next competition. There will be an anouncement when that starts.

And a special shoutout to Natalie @ <a href="http://cjam.ca/" target=_blank><b>CJAM</b></a> who plugged the site last Monday night around 12:30.
Level 13 Mixist
Vello Jiolence
post #525 :: 2005.06.18 2:24pm
im confused, do i have to upload my shit even when mike blank himself has a copy?
Level 29 Hostist
post #526 :: 2005.06.18 3:21pm
No. He will be uploading all the tracks handed in at the playback party sometime tomorrow. Voting will start within hours or early Monday...
Level 29 Hostist
post #527 :: 2005.06.20 9:18am
Blank hasn't uploaded the rest of the tracks yet.

teh Pistons are more important, apparantly....
Level 11 Mixist
post #528 :: 2005.06.21 12:53am :: edit 2005.06.21 12:55am
i see there was one track uploaded a couple hours ago....is that it?

or is that wicked downtown detroit fire causing problems like the pistons?
Level 29 Hostist
post #529 :: 2005.06.21 12:44pm
yeah... i don't know
he just uploaded another one too
i think there's still like 5 more
maybe Blank is creating massive suspense
or maybe i shouldn't have taken any break
and no one is going to ever visit the site again....
Level 11 Mixist
post #530 :: 2005.06.21 2:45pm
couldn't you just send out a mass e-mail update to all registrants informing them when voting begins?
Level 29 Hostist
post #531 :: 2005.06.22 10:22pm
yes - i should do that - but then i'd hafta do it...
Level 20 Mixist
post #532 :: 2005.11.14 1:13am
i see you have made some nice. yes very nice you have made metamorphisis

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