bonetrousle midi

2016-12-01 17:13:07

2016-12-01 18:27:37

4 Entries

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Level 30 Mixist
Baron Knoxburry
post #74502 :: 2016.12.01 5:19pm
  andres, sleeparrow, Melon, Xyz and pedipanol liēkd this
i would say that's an illegal bitpack, but if Nathan Barnett dancing doesn't inspire you to write a fun midi i don't know what's wrong with you

actually i have no idea if that's Nathan Barnett
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #74503 :: 2016.12.01 5:29pm
  Dimeback, pedipanol, mootbooxle and sleeparrow liēkd this
inb4 someone reads only the title of the ohb and makes a bonetrousle cover
Level 21 Criticist
post #74505 :: 2016.12.01 6:20pm :: edit 2016.12.01 6:21pm
  Jangler, Blaze Weednix and Sinc-X liēkd this
Submitting trash to try to get the host to avoid the 750b penalty is bad and you should feel bad.

(I did it once and I still feel bad)
Level 21 Criticist
post #74506 :: 2016.12.01 6:31pm
Wait, how'd the cover not get DQ'd?
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #74507 :: 2016.12.01 6:35pm :: edit 2016.12.01 6:35pm
I've never seen an entry getting DQ'd at all. I actually wonder if the system has a way to do this (it would probably be useful to remove irrelevant or bad troll entries from majors and the like).
Level 21 Criticist
post #74508 :: 2016.12.01 6:37pm
  Jangler and mootbooxle liēkd this
Rather, voter enforced DQ via 1's.
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #74509 :: 2016.12.01 6:41pm
My guess is that not everyone votes 1 (instead some other low score) because they found something good or funny in it despite it breaking the rules.
Level 21 Criticist
post #74512 :: 2016.12.01 7:04pm
  Jangler and shinichi liēkd this
I confused the names it actually got 3rd I am retarded
Level 30 Mixist
post #74519 :: 2016.12.02 12:17am
  digitalpcock, sleeparrow, Jangler, Karmic, Dimeback and shinichi liēkd this
You can take me to DQ anytime. I'll have a Butterfinger Blizzard.

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