Level 29 Hostist
post #73307 ::
2016.10.17 10:05am
kleeder, dpc, tothejazz, rainwarrior, raphaelgoulart, MiDoRi, Electronoob, SaphireSunset, KungFuFurby, Quirby64, RoccoW, DalekSam, Xaser, funute, m9m, sleeparrow, Jimmyoshi, Modus Ponens, themnotyou, MisaelK, b00daw, Ktcmoop, Jangler, shinichi, Savestate, NARFNra, Blaze Weednix, Chip Champion and Dimeback liēkd this
kleeder, dpc, tothejazz, rainwarrior, raphaelgoulart, MiDoRi, Electronoob, SaphireSunset, KungFuFurby, Quirby64, RoccoW, DalekSam, Xaser, funute, m9m, sleeparrow, Jimmyoshi, Modus Ponens, themnotyou, MisaelK, b00daw, Ktcmoop, Jangler, shinichi, Savestate, NARFNra, Blaze Weednix, Chip Champion and Dimeback liēkd this
A few weeks ago some of you might have noticed me griping about maybe having to move the site to a new hosting solution. Basically, Dreamhost sent me an email saying we were in violation of "virtually unlimited storage" usage. But it turned out they just didn't want me holding some private archive. The fact that I'm using a symlink for battle/entry storage confused their bots. We had a few rounds of back and forth coming to an understanding and late last night I finally got an email with the following subject: "Action Required: Disk usage warning - Acceptable use policy violation (Resolved!)"
Holy shit! We're allowed to keep growing so long as the data is accessible through the site! Hooray!!
Holy shit! We're allowed to keep growing so long as the data is accessible through the site! Hooray!!