Grafolio's Rhythm Action Game Music Challenge
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 22 Chipist
post #72948 :: 2016.09.26 10:17am
  mootbooxle, RoccoW, A-zu-ra, shinichi, MisaelK, andres, Dimeback and Savestate liēkd this

Write music for a rhythm action game series Music & Beat! Winners will be featured in the newest games by O2 Jam. There are 13 days left as of this posting. There is a prize (about $900??) and 30% of sales generated from the music is given to the creator, until 1 year is up it looks like.
Anyway this looks cool, so I thought I'd share it~
Level 26 Mixist
post #72949 :: 2016.09.26 12:22pm
  RoccoW liēkd this
I always wanted to do things for music games; maybe I'll give it a shot...if I'm up for it, that is :c

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