more to come...
BotB Academy News
Level 29 Hostist
post #488 :: 2005.06.12 1:45pm :: edit 2005.06.12 5:14pm
I bet there was a handful of people who were banking on that last hour to upload their tracks. Unfortunately, I messed up and the track uploader quit working an hour early. So we've decided to extend the battle time by 30-some hours. If anyone finds this unfair they should work on their track more and resubmit it.

<b>The Plan:</b> By early next week the track voting mechanism will be built. Voting on all tracks submitted shall commence for the following two weeks here on BotB.
But, for right now, I'm going to take a break.
Level 15 Mixist
post #489 :: 2005.06.12 3:30pm

BTW How was the show? I don't know what my mind was doing yesterday. I knew there was a show and I was planning on attending, but for some reason I totally spaced out about it.
Level 8 Mixist
post #490 :: 2005.06.13 7:32am
cool :) gives me some time to straighten things out and cut some crap. is the use of softsynths permitted?
Level 6 Mixist
post #491 :: 2005.06.13 10:02am
Why 30 hours? didn't we just lose 1? Now that I've found out twenty hours into it I'm kind of pissed. Doesn't make a lot of sense to me...
Level 29 Hostist
post #492 :: 2005.06.13 11:48am
zeffii - no softsynths just samples which you can manipulate into sounding like synths if you want

nickexperience - maybe it shouldn't have been 30 hours, maybe only 20 or 16 or 8 but I had no idea how often players visit the site and wanted to give at least a day....

this site is an experiment and we're learning as it develops - mistakes like this 1 hour fuckup can be avoided in the future and there will be no extensions!
Level 15 Mixist
post #493 :: 2005.06.13 1:16pm
Hey zeffti, there's a (slightly complicated) trick I use to get around using only samples, but still having basically any sound you want...

Take something like a bass drum and crop out a full, but single sinusoidal cycle (no harmonics). Now make 100% sure it loops perfectly and loop the heck out of it. Probably a total of 3 to 5 seconds to be safe.

Now toss it into a good sampler. Figure out what the frequency is and set the root accordingly. Volia, you have a very basic sin synth! Mix a few together with differing frequencies and you have an additive synth. Modulate one with another for an FM synth.

Clip the heck out of the initial 3 to 5s bit and you've got a pseudo square wave. Waveshape it and you've got a triangle.

If your willing to spend the time doing it, you can make pratcically any sound with this method. But the more complex, the more complicated the process.
Level 8 Mixist
post #494 :: 2005.06.13 1:58pm
my penis hurts
Level 13 Mixist
Vello Jiolence
post #495 :: 2005.06.13 4:25pm
my anus hurts
Level 23 Samplist
post #496 :: 2005.06.13 5:19pm
sounds good, I totally understand.
Level 11 Mixist
post #497 :: 2005.06.13 5:42pm
well, as a complete novice, i didn't need all 30 hours to download CEP, and compose a track, along with sleeping. it seems as only 2 of us have taken advantage of the extended time. if need be, i will be happy to remove my track from voting as i never originally intended to enter. my only gripe is i can't upload my fucking nairb finger avatar and it is less than 125 by 125!
Level 19 Samplist
post #498 :: 2005.06.13 7:40pm

your avatar needs to be <i>exactly</i> 125x125, the site won't resize it for you.
Level 8 Mixist
post #499 :: 2005.06.14 9:22am
well i was never going to say anything about this but i feel that if you couldent take the time to put your track on cdr and bring it to the 555 after the upload quit working then fuck you!!! but you got your extra 30 hours and i dont give a shit. love adon!
Level 29 Hostist
post #500 :: 2005.06.14 10:50am
seriously - if you guys don't like these late entries then you can give them shitty votes!!
Level 8 Mixist
post #501 :: 2005.06.15 6:34am
innominate , this trick is standard procedure to those who used programs like pro/scream/impulsetracker etc.

ill give it a miss this time, this was good practice. i enjoyed it (some parts of my song are terrible... and need to be removed.. or modulated) - i'm happy to be disqualified . peace
Level 10 Mixist
post #502 :: 2005.06.15 9:51am
Zeffii, i dont think any part of your track is terrible
in fact, I rather like it
Level 15 Mixist
post #503 :: 2005.06.15 9:55am
zeffii, I apologize for my ignorance. My roots are with hardware sequencers, samplers, and synths (MC-500, Mirage, Juno 106, etc...). Heck ,up until about six years ago I wasn't even really using a computer for music. (Not to mention the trackers I have used were for sequencing only. I'm really just a score, piano-roll, and coding dork.)

I used to use that single cycle trick I mentioned with my samplers a heck of a lot though.
Level 8 Mixist
post #504 :: 2005.06.16 2:51am
zeffi!!!! so why were you disqualified????
Level 29 Hostist
post #505 :: 2005.06.16 3:33am :: edit 2005.06.16 10:29am
i would guess because he used a soft-synth...
Level 8 Mixist
post #506 :: 2005.06.17 8:17am
is there any part of this site dedicated to the rules of the mix ? what if my softsynth was able to load any wav and produce sound from that.. just testing the waters here... or what about granular synthesis . ill pay more attention to what i'm doing next time. Innominate ha :) it's all cool my friend. Perhaps we shall meet in battle next time :)
Level 29 Hostist
post #507 :: 2005.06.17 11:06am
if the softsynth is just a tracker then you're all fine
I think in the description of the event (somewhere) it says only the manipulation of the available samples is allowed..
it will be added to the faq!

what exactly is granular synthesis?
Level 15 Mixist
post #508 :: 2005.06.19 1:55pm
<a href="">Wikipedia - Granular Synthesis</a>
Level 8 Mixist
post #509 :: 2005.06.23 8:26am
ah .. well, granular can be as involved as you wish it to be. Sounds( grains: impulses containing singular or several frequencies ) are transformed and rearranged in the pitch/time scale to create ( but it's not easy ) practically any sound/timbre.. by defining what overtones are present over time and how some overtones (or & groundtones) might resonate as a function of the adsr. The wiki is pretty good, all i want to know is - is this technology suitable for use in botb.. :D

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