While there is a rule in place that states all entries must be original and unreleased, there is no clear definition of what is allowed during a battle's life cycle. I myself recently, while stressed about looking for money/work, got snotty with some individuals about them sharing their entries elsewhere on the web during a battle. I've also been asked directly what the policy is on this and my answer has been "It's frowned upon." That isn't a clear rule though. It's a wishy-washy answer with a negative connotation.
So I'd like to make a rule proposal and I'm looking for feedback before it is officially appended to the battle common rules list.
I want to do what's best for the BotB community and least upsetting or annoying for the BotBrs.
I'm thinking that if you release an entry on the web (during it's battle) outside of BotB (soundcloud, youtube, personal website, etc.) that "Battle of the Bits" should appear in the title and filename. This could be put in parenthesis or brackets or the like -- could look like this [Battle of the Bits (entry|{format})] or similar. A link to the battle must be provided in the description.
I don't believe this is an unfair request and should hopefully garner more interest in the site/community. I know that many of you already do this and it is greatly appreciated.
I have participated in the Chip=Win compilations the past two years. First as an artist and secondly as a judge. I don't plan on adopting their rule that a track on the comp can not have an album release until after a year has passed, but it makes plenty of sense in aiding their bandcamp sales. Any ideas in getting more buyer avatars on BotB bandcamp releases are very welcome. Battle of the Bits quantitatively has some of the best chiptune compilations available in the world.
My only other request (and I'm not sure it could be made a rule) is that when releasing albums with tracks from BotB battles, that you give Battle of the Bits a shout-out. I don't want to name names, but I personally find this insulting, frustrating, saddening, etc when I see no mention of BotB and recognize songs from battles.
Once we mull this over togetherly, I'll write up a lyceum page focused on re-releasing BotB entries outside of BotB.
Thanks all!!
So I'd like to make a rule proposal and I'm looking for feedback before it is officially appended to the battle common rules list.
I want to do what's best for the BotB community and least upsetting or annoying for the BotBrs.
I'm thinking that if you release an entry on the web (during it's battle) outside of BotB (soundcloud, youtube, personal website, etc.) that "Battle of the Bits" should appear in the title and filename. This could be put in parenthesis or brackets or the like -- could look like this [Battle of the Bits (entry|{format})] or similar. A link to the battle must be provided in the description.
I don't believe this is an unfair request and should hopefully garner more interest in the site/community. I know that many of you already do this and it is greatly appreciated.
I have participated in the Chip=Win compilations the past two years. First as an artist and secondly as a judge. I don't plan on adopting their rule that a track on the comp can not have an album release until after a year has passed, but it makes plenty of sense in aiding their bandcamp sales. Any ideas in getting more buyer avatars on BotB bandcamp releases are very welcome. Battle of the Bits quantitatively has some of the best chiptune compilations available in the world.
My only other request (and I'm not sure it could be made a rule) is that when releasing albums with tracks from BotB battles, that you give Battle of the Bits a shout-out. I don't want to name names, but I personally find this insulting, frustrating, saddening, etc when I see no mention of BotB and recognize songs from battles.
Once we mull this over togetherly, I'll write up a lyceum page focused on re-releasing BotB entries outside of BotB.
Thanks all!!