Level 13 Chipist
post #70157 ::
2016.07.19 7:08pm :: edit 2016.07.19 7:10pm
pedipanol, andres, Xaser, b00daw, Sinc-X, Baron Knoxburry and Lukas Eriksson liēkd this
pedipanol, andres, Xaser, b00daw, Sinc-X, Baron Knoxburry and Lukas Eriksson liēkd this
hello all just joined here due to a train loving maniac dragging me along (pedipanol)
im just getting used to the layouts and lurking around but i figured id say hi and stuff
I make nes chiptunes and pixelart since 2008-ish, good to see there are more people who share the same interests c:
im just getting used to the layouts and lurking around but i figured id say hi and stuff
I make nes chiptunes and pixelart since 2008-ish, good to see there are more people who share the same interests c: