Uncle B00daW's Bookcase - A learner's series.
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Renderist
post #65288 :: 2016.03.18 5:25pm :: edit 2016.03.18 7:33pm
  Baron Knoxburry, goluigi, Savestate, Rainbow Dash, YobaHere and andres liēkd this
First of the series: SuperNSF and advanced modification.


1.) SuperNSF > http://lmao.rotfl.at/upload/B00daW/supernsf.zip
2.) An IT tracker... (OpenMPT/SchismTracker/etc.)

Optional and more advanced:

1.) A hex editor.
2.) Python (ActivePython)
3.) FamiTracker/MML knowledge


Now bear with me with the impromptu nature of this stream and the novice nature of my streaming abilities.

I'll be monitoring EsperNet #botb for inquiries and requests. I intend to get around to some advanced information regarding the NES/Famicom after the basics of SuperNSF are covered.

Let's see how this goes! g0g0g0g0g0


Alright! Well that was semi-successful. Thanks for riding it out with me!
Level 10 Mixist
Rainbow Dash
post #65297 :: 2016.03.18 11:05pm
  Baron Knoxburry liēkd this
Nooooo I missed this ;______;

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