uncle b00's renders
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 27 Renderist
post #64226 :: 2016.02.27 4:43pm
  kleeder, raphaelgoulart, Jredd, andres, Savestate, Jangler, Razerek, Baron Knoxburry and qxlet liēkd this
hey so i've been rendering a lot of stuff... nobody's perfect, right? i'd say about >85% of everything is spot-on.

noticing that people can't upload rerenders makes me realize that if your art is up here in a form that is not pleasing to you, just post the link and i'll attempt to get around to it.

just trying to make botb radio fancy and nice. just because you don't like your songs doesn't mean others won't find it to be their favorites. ;)

(future hint: wife and i will be buying a house soon and i have practically every means to hardware render things soon in a place that does not encroach on my wife's comfort levels... so maybe by next year or later this year we'll start to have more hardware renders for trade.)

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