Regarding chipbattle_art...
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 30 Chipist
post #62270 :: 2016.01.15 9:21pm
  DalekSam and stinkbug hæitd this
  Jimmyoshi liēkd this
Helo BotBrz everywhere!

I know that it's not against the rules, but I have noticed that there's been a lot of non-pixel art submitted as chipbattle_art to Winter Chip XI....

I feel like this is not in the spirit of Winter Chip )^: It would be totally radical if you guys and gals considered only subbing pixel art to the chipbattle_art category! ..,........,.,.,.... although you don't have to.... I'm just giving a request based on my opinions

Thank u for your time~
Level 15 Pixelist
post #62271 :: 2016.01.15 9:36pm
  qxlet liēkd this
I only did a vector because I've been drawing pixel art for like, 3 years, and got into vector stuff not too long ago because it's cleaner and less of a pain to fix lines.

I could though probably make a pixel version of my chipbattle art but I dunno, I'm a busy gal.

I guess here's the sketch instead lol
Level 30 Chipist
post #62273 :: 2016.01.15 9:49pm
this might help!
you will need to print screen it though because the option doesn't go through into the export png
Level 6 Pixelist
post #62274 :: 2016.01.15 9:57pm
  Kero and Savestate liēkd this
Similar to Kero, I just finished a pixel art game, then saw that pixel art wasn't required, so I just did some vector art. I'll keep it in mind for the next sub.
Level 15 Pixelist
post #62277 :: 2016.01.15 10:34pm
  Savestate liēkd this
Lol yeah same

I'm getting kinda sick of pixel art as well because of making games. I just needed a break, but yeah for future major battles I'll try and do pixel art.
Level 30 Chipist
post #62281 :: 2016.01.16 2:15am
  Sylveon liēkd this
That's fine!

Hey though, mixbattle_art during the $season-tracks majors (also not enforced but) are supposed to be non-pixel art!

I hope u guys go wild there !!!
Level 25 Mixist
post #62283 :: 2016.01.16 4:09am
  Kero, andres, Zillah, Xaser, qxlet, Sinc-X and raphaelgoulart liēkd this
I don't feel we should discourage any style of art over another, esp if it's not against the rules. Ultimately it's up to the voters if vector art, a 3D render, or some photo of popsicle sticks spelling out Winter Chip XI in the freezer is worth their higher votes or not.
Level 30 Chipist
post #62286 :: 2016.01.16 8:36am
  Sinc-X liēkd this
Yeah, yer right. This decision is more in the hands of the individual voters! I guess I let my feelings get the best of me.
Sorry if I made anyone feel bad ) :

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