DefleMask 11 Released (With ARCADE Support!)
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 9 Playa
post #60476 :: 2015.10.06 5:27pm :: edit 2015.10.13 1:24pm
  gotoandplay, anewuser, marcb0t, Strobe, garvalf, DBOYD, JINTAKE, MS, Xaser, Sinc-X, b00daw, MisaelK, raphaelgoulart, RatShack, Lukas Eriksson, Savestate, Baron Knoxburry, pedipanol and ap0c liēkd this
  THrexx, mega9man and MovieMovies1 hæitd this
There's no Arcade category here? OMG, it should be created because a new DefleMask arrived with ARCADE configuration (YAMAHA YM2151 + SEGA PCM soundchips)!!!



DefleMask 11 (@10/06/15):
- ARCADE (YM2151+SEGA PCM) support!
- .OPM instruments loader!
- More precise fine tune effect (E5xx)
- Added a Refresh button to the MIDI input menu to detect new connected devices.
- Fixed the position of the Edit Keys window on small screens
- Fixed a bug regarding to selecting from right to left (Thanks InversePhase)
- Fixed some bugs regarding to looping songs in an exported .vgm file.
- Now you can move instruments by using some fresh new arrow buttons!
- Now the volume changes are also delayed when a EDxx is setted on that row too
- Game Boy: More accurate volume of the WAVE channel.
- The DefleMask logo is back but on the right side and smaller than in previous versions. I missed it a lot!
- Lot of code cleaning and fixed some possible crashes.
- Manual Updated:

Level 27 Chipist
post #60500 :: 2015.10.07 5:58pm
  gotoandplay, Delek, mootbooxle, pedipanol and Sinc-X liēkd this
  MovieMovies1 and mega9man hæitd this
this is great! i recently found out about a soundtrack that uses the ym2608 and i loved it, the ym2151 is somewhat close to it so i'll prob be able to make some gay erogecore fm poop crap with it!!! ty!!!
where is the new .sid playback engine super optimized
you were working on? =(
i still want to have a proper export of la bruja mala that is friendly to the hardware and not like 36kb big when most sids are like under 10kb or something
i am aware that since the dmf specs are out one could make a proper dmf2sid converter but if i could i wouldnt be asking :p
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #60507 :: 2015.10.08 2:13pm
  HertzDevil, THrexx, mega9man and MovieMovies1 hæitd this
  cce, R3M, anewuser, Savestate, ap0c and Delek liēkd this
you're doing god's work, delek
Level 31 chipist
Chip Champion
post #60508 :: 2015.10.08 2:24pm
  HertzDevil, THrexx, R3M, mega9man and MovieMovies1 hæitd this
  ap0c and Delek liēkd this
you're doing god's work, delek
Level 27 Renderist
post #60582 :: 2015.10.13 9:23am
Thinking of doing Punchout! or Donkey Kong 3 arcade? ;)
Level 9 Playa
post #60647 :: 2015.10.18 8:18pm :: edit 2015.10.18 8:20pm
  pedipanol, marcb0t, raphaelgoulart and ap0c liēkd this
  MovieMovies1 and mega9man hæitd this
@raphaelgoulart: I will release the new HW .sid playback engine when it's done. The C64 HW environment is, by far, the most hostile of all the systems I had the pleasure of working (litle RAM, manufacturer implementation bugs, tricks, hacks, etc). So, please be patient.

@Chip Champion: Thanks a lot! <3

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