Badge Progress Frozen, Unable to Earn Badges
BotB Academy Bug Reports and Feature Requests
Level 15 Mixist
post #57263 :: 2015.05.19 8:26am :: edit 2015.05.19 9:13am
EDIT: I'm just an idiot, sorry.

Hello, since I'm still fairly new and not positive how everything works, I'm assuming this is a bug. As you can see, the percentage has dropped to <10. Also, I just got 20+ in an OHB and I'm pretty sure I should have 3/7 for remix now, but alas, I have not.

Is this a bug? An update? I hate to assume, but could it be a punishment for something I did?
Level 28 Chipist
post #57264 :: 2015.05.19 8:53am :: edit 2015.05.19 9:00am
  puke7 and CuteEwok liēkd this
I've counted your entries, and you only have 2 remix entries over 20. The percentage relates not to getting 7 entries over 20 but getting to the gold level in that format, I think. You get a different colour badge is essentially what that means.

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