DefleMask 10 released!
BotB Academy Bulletins
Level 9 Playa
post #57116 :: 2015.05.12 5:03pm
  gotoandplay, aji, JINTAKE, EdinhU, mk7, raphaelgoulart and Savestate liēkd this
DefleMask 10c released!


MIDI Input Devices WOW!
New simplistic UI and default skin color.
Boost in performance, DefleMask rendering system now is a lot faster.
The clipboard is now shared between DefleMask instances. You can copy and paste pattern information between different DefleMask's windows.
.hes ROM export for PC-Engine!
The Game Boy now uses internal HW volume envelopes, this means 100% compatibility on the hardware. Just the way it should be. Side effect: no more volume macro, you will have to modify your existing tunes.
Fixed a bug regarding to the INTERPOLATE command (Ctrl + I) It works perfectly now.
Fixed a bug with the fine tunning command in some channels.
Alphabetical sorting on Linux of files lists.
A backup file will be automatically created when there's a new change in the module.
Fixed a bug related to exceed the max patterns limit of 128.
Hold a button pressed is now supported, it will call the button function repeatedly every 100ms.
Game Boy Effect added: 13xy - Set Sweep Time and Shift
Game Boy Effect added: 14xy - Set Sweep Direction
Game Boy emulator changed: NEZPlug++ core.
As requested, now the volume column for FM Instruments will modify only the carriers volume of the current instrument.
Custom hz playback engine is now supported on exported roms!
New default SEGA Genesis instrument.
Added slider bars for the pattern view and the instrument editor.
Fixed an undo/redo bug.
UI with bugs fixed and addons.
Manual Updated.

Level 21 Chipist
post #57125 :: 2015.05.12 8:36pm
  gotoandplay, raphaelgoulart and Delek liēkd this
Yey! Was using the pre-10 version and liking it a lot. Definitely a major improvement in version 10. Thanks again, Delek! Each version has gotten significantly better :)
Level 9 Playa
post #57288 :: 2015.05.21 5:49am
  ap0c liēkd this
That means a lot coming from you, ap0c. Thanks.
Level 22 Chipist
post #57296 :: 2015.05.21 4:57pm :: edit 2015.05.21 5:00pm
  raphaelgoulart, ap0c and Delek liēkd this
this is a great improvement upon the previous versions and i'm glad you're continuing to work on this!! god damn tho, that default ui color hurts my eyes a ton, should just consider keeping it the classic color scheme.

something about this runs a lot smoother too, i can't explain what but it's like the difference between 30 fps and 60 fps, dang.
(but woah that new intro sound? beautiful)
Level 27 Chipist
post #57297 :: 2015.05.21 7:42pm :: edit 2015.05.21 7:46pm
  Beard, aji, Delek and ap0c liēkd this
beard you can change the skin manually, although i still think it'd be better to the default to be the classic one yeah

also yeah great job on the improvements! cant wait for the next chip-related compo to try some of them out! :DD
(i still think it should be open source)
(and i want to remind you again that the .sid export should be improved)
Level 9 Playa
post #57687 :: 2015.06.05 5:09am :: edit 2015.06.05 5:11am
  ap0c, raphaelgoulart and gotoandplay liēkd this
Thanks raphael!
I'm working on a new .sid playback engine super optimized right now.

This version 10c was very well recieved and I'm very happy with it. :)

Now the focus for the ver 11 is on the next system to be added, by the way, there's a poll in Delek's Forums about that:

Feel free to vote.
Level 27 Chipist
post #57688 :: 2015.06.05 6:31am :: edit 2015.06.05 6:51am
also, where is the list of available new formats to be added? i'm gonna vote anyways but it seems like i'm missing something...
edit: nvm i had to login to see the poll
edit 2: i voted for opl3!!! reasons stated in the thread
Level 24 Chipist
post #57691 :: 2015.06.05 9:14am :: edit 2015.06.05 9:15am
you BLEW IT anyway <3 (note how the pitch slide fcks the next note up)
Level 9 Playa
post #57693 :: 2015.06.05 11:34am :: edit 2015.06.05 11:48am
  Tilde liēkd this
Zlew: That effect is EXT PITCH SLIDE TO NOTE :D, E1 1F means 15 semitones up at slow speed 1!

I think you should use 1xx (Portamento UP) in that context, E11F is not reaching its objetive and it will remain trough next notes! That's what is happening. :)

What you should use is the standard 1xx. This is a fixed version with 1xx - Portamento Up.

This is an example about E1 and E2 effects!

To Everyone:
Thanks for taking time to vote, it is very informative to me. :)
Level 24 Chipist
post #57696 :: 2015.06.05 12:06pm
Level 9 Playa
post #57697 :: 2015.06.05 12:57pm :: edit 2015.06.05 1:00pm
So we are talking about a new version of DefleMask but you are using a 2014 one (possibly 9c). UPDATE IT and edit your post please!!!
Level 24 Chipist
post #57698 :: 2015.06.05 12:59pm :: edit 2015.06.05 1:02pm
ok im sorry i got it to work
but your example is 1 octave too high (lowering it by one kills the channel entirely)
Level 9 Playa
post #57700 :: 2015.06.05 1:16pm :: edit 2015.06.05 1:17pm
Probably you wrote F#1 with instrument 0 instead of instrument 1.
Level 24 Chipist
post #57701 :: 2015.06.05 1:19pm
oh there, fixed it
sorry for the problem

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