Level 13 Chipist
post #54169 ::
2015.02.27 2:25am :: edit 2015.02.27 2:51am
mega9man, gotoandplay, DalekSam, raphaelgoulart and irrlicht project liēkd this
mega9man, gotoandplay, DalekSam, raphaelgoulart and irrlicht project liēkd this
So there was a bit of discussion over a master system entry for WCX this year (as opposed to the festive WCX last year).
A fair amount of opinions were shared here http://battleofthebits.com/arena/Entry/River+Country+%28JP%29/16727/
But I think this is still an unfinished discussion. Should YM2413 be allowed for the SMS category? Should stereo GameGear entries be allowed? Should an SMS+ category be made? What about other machines which used the SN76489 or clones? (including those because of important (to our ears anyway) differences in the psuedorandom noise pattern)
It'd be great to hear the input of the admins and the relevant lyceum article updated to either explicitly allow or disallow such entries.
Have at it
[rabble rabble rabble]
A fair amount of opinions were shared here http://battleofthebits.com/arena/Entry/River+Country+%28JP%29/16727/
But I think this is still an unfinished discussion. Should YM2413 be allowed for the SMS category? Should stereo GameGear entries be allowed? Should an SMS+ category be made? What about other machines which used the SN76489 or clones? (including those because of important (to our ears anyway) differences in the psuedorandom noise pattern)
It'd be great to hear the input of the admins and the relevant lyceum article updated to either explicitly allow or disallow such entries.
Have at it
[rabble rabble rabble]