by default BotB will detect filetypes by their extensions validating the filetypes is another potential process jpg, jpeg, png, gif & mp3 have filetype validating already '[#[currently known] The following mime types are already in the code. If you can think of some that are missing please add them below this section. '[t[code] js application/x-javascript json application/json jpeg, jpg image/jpg png, gif, bmp, tiff image/'strtolower($fileSuffix[1])' css text/css xml application/xml doc, docx application/msword xls, xlt, xlm, xld, xla, xlc, xlw xll application/ ppt pps application/ rtf application/rtf pdf application/pdf html, htm, php text/html txt text/plain mpeg, mpg, mpe video/mpeg mp3 audio/mpeg3 wav audio/wav aiff, aif audio/aiff avi video/msvideo wmv video/x-ms-wmv mov video/quicktime zip application/zip tar application/x-tar swf application/x-shockwave-flash prg application/program-binary.unknown vt application/vic-tracker sid application/sid-commodore-64 tia application/tia-atari sap application/pokey-atari mod, s3m, xm, it application/s3xmodit nsf application/nintendo-sound-file dmc application/nsf.sample sho application/shroom-player.mariopaint default : unknown/'strtolower($fileSuffix[1])' '[/t] '[#[fill in the blank] d64 application/commodore-disk-image