Number points are a class of points that were given out as a result of a bug related to collaborations. If a '[[BotBr] is added to an entry as CollabDong, they're assigned to a '[[BotBr Classes[point class] and should get points from that class everytime someone listens to the entry (or downloads it). The bug caused them to earn the point class ID as points instead. The '[[chipist (class)[Chipist] point class for example was giving out "4" Points. '[#[List of all Number points] This is a list of all known Point types and which entries were giving them if you're assigned as a collab: Samplist -> 1 Mixist -> 2 Chipist -> 4 Grafxicist -> 6 Hackist -> 8 Pixelist -> 10 WebDevist -> 12 Mappist -> 13 Codist -> 14 7 points were given from '[[XHB] entries randomly. '[l[[kleeder] probably has every possible Number point type. '[#[See also] '[[BotBr Classes] '[[BotBr]