A '[[BotBr] earns Hackist points by helping to code the site or other amenities such as the '[[BotB IRCBot[IRC bot]. A BotBr's '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/lyceum/View/BotBr+Classes/[Class] will probably become Hackist when they have more Hackist points than any other point class upon '[[BotBr#Levels[levelling up]. The Hackist class does not have an icon. '[#[Earning Points] There are no specified occasions through which a BotBr can be awarded Hackist points. Indeed, they are probably reserved only for '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/barracks/Profile/Strobe/[Strobe] and '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/barracks/Profile/Savestate/[Savestate]. '[#[See also] '[[BotBr Classes]