.SPC is dumped music data from Super Nintendo (aka Super Famicon) game ROMs. '[#[Playing .SPCs] '[l[http://snesmusic.org/v2/players.php[list of players] '[#[Making .SPCs] '[l[http://ekid.nintendev.com/xms/[eKid's XMSNES] converts a FastTracker .XM file into .SPC '[l[http://acmlm.no-ip.org/board/thread.php?id=2228[Solar Soundtrack] not released lol '[l[http://www.smwcentral.net/?p=section&a=details&id=11664[AddMusicK] Uses MML to make music using Super Mario World's N-SPC engine, allows for control over the system than XMSNES or SNESMOD '[l[https://github.com/nathancassano/snesgss[SnesGSS] is a tracker made more specifically for homebrew game music on the snes but it is an option. Theres also a youtube tutorial for it '[l[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXkRl-_fGm0[here]. '[l[http://www.morganleahrecords.com/augustus/blackheart/downloads.html[SNESMod] converts 8 channel .it files into .spc but with some restraints on what you can do/use. It is highly recommended to read the text file that comes with the converter to avoid disappointment later on! The link is to the most recent version worked on by Augustus Blackheart but if for some reason it doesn't work then the original by Mukunda is '[l[http://snes.mukunda.com/[here]. '[#[See Also] '[l[http://snesmusic.org/[SNESmusic] an archive '[l[http://www.zophar.net/zsnes/spc/[Zophar Domain SPC Archive]