'[#[Information about the 667 format] The 667 format, also known as the former pc tracker format that uses Ad Lib; it consist of a tracker that uses the YM3812 sound chip to create music using up to 9 channels, It was created by Tran [a.k.a. Tomasz Pytel] of Renaissance on 1992, and were later replaced by his '[[Composer 669], one which also dropped Ad Lib's support for the use samples instead. '[#[Restrictions on submitting a 667 module] The file can be 128 patterns long at most, with a maximum of 64 rows each one. '[#[Effects used for the 667 format] 0xy - Arpeggio 1xx - Freq. Slide up 2xx - Freq. Slide down 3xx - Tone Portamento 4xy - Vibrato 5xy - 3xx + Vol Slide 6xy - 4xy + Vol Slide 7xx & 8xx - Fine Freq. Slide up/down, respectively 9xx - Set modulator volume (Goes up to 3F, dec. 63) Axy - Volume Slide Bxx - Position Jump Cxx - Set Volume (Goes up to 3F, dec. 63) Dxx - Pattern Break Exx - Set Tempo Fxx - Set Speed Gxy - 3xx + Fine Vol. Slide Hxy - 4xy + Fine Vol. Slide Ixx - Set carrier vol. Jxx - Set waveform Kxy - Fine vol. slide Lxx - Retrig. Note Mxy - Tremolo Nxy - Tremor Oxy - 0xy + Vol. Slide Pxy - 0xy + Fine Vol. Slide Qxy - Multi Retrigger Note '[#[Tools and Trackers used for the 667 format] - '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/lyceum/View/Composer+667/[Composer 667] for MS-DOS operative systems '[#[Accepted file format] .667 '[#[Playback (for voting)] - '[l[http://battleofthebits.com/lyceum/View/Composer+667/[Composer 667] for MS-DOS operative systems - '[[foobar2000] (Windows) - '[[Droidsound-E (Enhanced version)] (Android) '[#[See also] - '[[Tracker] - '[[Demo Scene]