The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
funky groove funk Unreeeal superhe Zillah loopy battle short axe body spray old spice betrayal all 7s collab bossa nova brazil 4/4 you doge happy groovy atari hardcore heavy metal rock rock n roll ac/dc ipicore jesus eyes/balls swap cute ambient 2a03 mellow awesome surf pixelated items sociopathy unfinished arpish FoDcore meowcore simcity earthbound redacted egg zx spectrum mysterious spy vrc7 fakebit sexy piano all 1s abrupt end midi dance ladygagacore famitracker what logic jazzy 8k sid bitcoin defeatistcore this is by strob tribal metal loud loopy harpsichord bassless chaps panning lil" woller swing doge snesmod ignore the bars wafflecore cheat mayonneise detune sappy blbblbblbl old insect lullaby ponycore ponies plrusekcore DPCM speedy high notes not._plrusekcore first try random all_7 green green zone green greens kirby ralts pony zx beeper mute strobecore 90s clubby coughcore wobbly emcee loud defeatitscore key change chill all of them distortion cave story hardpans high pitch delaycore rushed rude mml cirno Anime Girlfriend vocals wangan outrun explicit Eminem tq-jamcore power metal triangle awesome chords lo-fi first high-pitch metal chiptune theory glitch lil' blobbers thrash in the nude chipstyle lofi light metal antidescriptcore descriptioncore hell no monster-eating? noisecore maze fisticuffs doom xwe is horrible legend of zelda waffles Deflemask variablecomposer jazz not 5/4 anthem 4'33 orchestral ilu baycun <3 noise drummy top gear putincore golgicore 1-bit booty milky chorus birthdaycore keygen music cracktro arpfest longcatislong QChan funkadelic slap beach nullcore tenniscore fausto silva unfunny demostyle spooky 8bcore flat out 8-bit smooth long vaporwave hax filter 200th disco Damn you FoD regal drunk vgm miaucore seizure animated vocaloid fuck milk o_O multi-song entry taiko speech mmyv airy rated arrrrrrrrr ass no demostyle anti-wafflecore not the waffles mecharex vs mechagodzilla maths SUCK A DICK TILD jet1style loops motivationalcore slap bass quiet weird can not lie moody filters c64 bass SMS duck tales hello Sad. xmsnes hak percussion chrono trigger riffy rockin guitar dkc dkc2 intro anti-strobecore a bard approache savage phaser1 echo samples sampletracker italo neighbords special fx pentatonic nicetas fail cover all my 1s melodies bluesy chillout heart magic 7 potpourri read this tag watermeloncore flute reggae TIA <\3 wildchip rpg hidden penis secret penis beats fun silly blippy bubbly kommisar good noise meow CC-BY-NC-SA 3.0 copyrightcore © original plz don arptastic click crackle bleepy BEGIN HEADBANGIN art pop carnival ocean arps acidjazzed keygen violentcore detuned l fast drums floppy relax 300 acm-mom approved exploding nes kfaradaycore klefkiecore mysterio mother Fuck the Cheng yibbon 12/8 sodacore sunny high pitched HACK love gritty PxTone not really chip mean no harm RAVE educational emotional hacks fusion mono unsettling failurecore cinematic sine cool square lavender town non_chippy antisociopathy doskpop horny penis brostep coda incomplete victory classical THIS IS BY ZILA longcaaaAAAAAaaA tislooOOOOOooOng KungFuFurby tits touhou dubstep 6dcore renoise usability abstract alien ghost sad NOT BY ZILA ytpmv oh queso acid Sampling Yeah Whoo losetotildecore barefoot samba late half sociopathy cutie deer ^o^ see u mkstar26 hi hertz tothejazzcore REJITTERING? anti-description triplet oc do not steal Big Rods. drunkore golgi painting HERTZ DEVIL! blood on the dan nixcore not cirno pixel art nao vai ter copa what did i do =o liveplay Tim Follin smurfs NOT BULLSHIT thx mkstar26 dubmood percs maj7 chords lsdj crazy musical piece industrial stroboe literal psychedelic slinky so cool man what is this SPORTS Pixel tracker poem baycutie ^o^ spacecore loops twice friendshipcore aji's avatarcore organ tothejizzcore who is bris reverb triangle makermatic 3/4 post-cat airplan gb chords TOO DAMN SLOW slightly-creepy breaks swingy fuuuuuuuu logcatislog flaminglogcore flaminglong toho pokemon rse lovely mariokartcore piano poop crap collage pivot animation D minor COME ON ZILA adventure ^o^ skipping across the fields of qt i VII 80s windows xp fast what is this mot yay zila! virtcore electro SEAL FETISH ROOF ROOF saxy dong funky loma tritone mootcore DubmoodCore radixcore level 24 chipist interpolation Blast Processing 24k 8============D antidescriptionc action classical malmen's spleen malmencore happys telephone flame steak dont swear kid mspaint baycore birthday 808 Anime Letters cutie jeroen tel russian folk anime hentai probably strobed dicks allah akbah ur anus proggy doggy ducktails Beadon ^o^ I dig Strobe too glitchy cock on loma* disco-bitz house WarioWare mariopants this is a tag fuel drumstep not spc chaos mega9man q-chan desync adlib memecore trance poppo cutie demon gymsbooxle clicky lullaby echoless xrns2xm2it2spc VVVVVV skull trumpet deep brazilian funk blop shortcatisshort space party it C min not original strings q wubstep idm scary vibrato radio multi-song recursive title lover boi loliconst overcompression dong riser cool story bro 5 years old pokemon Penoise dis is the beep entry 69 wtf golgi detuned bass nice good intro! aclmfan naldocore viegascore golgicutie ^o^ im 13 u egg AMIGAAAAAAAAAAAA morse herp beepboopclap anal icy day dating sim eroge phaser1 vic20 mortandela visual novel solofest ooh a choir ♪ ♫♪ egypt mountaincore artremix power chords openmpt guavacore fuck california A08 A04 bdaycore my friend chris rad ludo-cris mega9drain counterpoint Ascended BotBr sorry nothing arp melody tango spacey funkay what Nintendon't Genesis Does praise white jes streets of rage scalecore smw 0.01% pulse wave 16 channels ragtime / \ plustek X XTREME cookies fixed not a cover original resub castlevania tailscore YOU FAILED rampkorv's life golden axe golden butt sines sads the sequel defecation straight jammin ste----------reo kommicore wub improved CHENGCORE call of mixist duty i do maybe no possibly :( unknowncore poekmanz unicore peidei solar b. alarm cock! clockmaster longintroislong gol pls fix FL BRIDS yearofmidi musicbox dafish unni oddtimesignature dem chords tho sux cavestory beadon me.....adon..... exactocore treausre nihilistcore rip jsr drunkamanaguchi home tracker asm chronicles pukestep : ) original film score 1679 biscuits also djent-core ikea naming Phoenix Wright examinationcore sanic satanic santanic satinic stanic HUGE PENITZ closet losers manufact ZILA IS A LEMON ZILA IS A MELON intense Foolcore foolish nsf+ vhs cables 3DS Zalza tim dreamy lmms misleading title vanilla9man cornputer HYPERDIX For Anything Potentialing BUTT BUTT BUTT butts Pe Noise rek-it ralph aTTari oldschool ham-hams unite hamtaro sunflower market djent B O T B ǢJiL!TY tit 0C0 :D I miss you ;__; BFFLFFLARGL speedcore us SIDstyle Penesis gymmandychan angle of death gentle words fucking loopy GOOD JOB ZILA streets of puke pukes of rage puketron7 YTPMV+ leite ronaldocore peixonaldo chiploop l8istcore futabol slow dibrecore SIDish koto titlecore static fm gm.dls amen sin de-leveled meme steak beststrobesong skull swan azura corridors kawaii moe post processing !disclaimer im sorry rushjet rare ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww remaster camelCase actual music and then they fuckass69 sarumi otp blagbungambergh 2A30 EBOLA ADVENTURES techno dilmacore pai de familia <3 vgmmm senis showing off Extremely demand stuttercore imperfect 35 house [CENSORED] SINISTRO kowai 11/4 weeaboo_music swedish comedy should have won dave waltz bread world famous epic thank mr skeltal you got it ^o^ nice epic untag zlew >: choo choo not train rip puke winningcore EROGE BOUNCE EROGE FUNK acidente na curv streetlamp straight atonal I like midi :D zxbeep clarinet /jaem/core soundclaudio almost better than orig bad title jungle bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bum bossa mega pc-x801-ish really cool alternative rock ata XemoTails Ryu Umemoto 2hu nice fadeout succ uau BAH! SHOTS FIRED whatsapp it does exist peniscore pennis wet Kick Snare sakura blast duckTales cuckTales bug report team anime apology pmd raphaelgoulart banned from equestria press the butt self-insert wow calm down fitting title ending blueballad whatxapp fm synth 2 when vncore me add no zap #frexit 4:20 kefcore oh man oh shit oh wow oh yeah DOLAN TRUMP perfect 35 dem pants chordy Th4 5N35 tincan USSR cat semen Umemoto YM2203 ace attorney rip tobikomi Vinyl Crackle frogluigi arpocalypse Game Gear God now in slow mo! keffchords microtonal sexman records goulart has issu Tails the Dragon vic20 proggy *Panicat dance* s t e r e o umemotocore Yukattroll edm better than ZUN PENIS PENIS all gold ooct1 DAT BASS Incredible morse code steampunk AMIGA? SEGAAAAAAAAAAAA demo self insert gostosa top bun DRUGS Not Even Once OK wow FUCK anticipationcore submit allgear HI ant1 Strobe nuts milotic dance N163 sadfasfdf Jackals WwWwWwWwWw BLAME CANADA kawaii desu prog (͜ ͡ cis gender male jrpg mystery dungeon tetris not a nsf sociology good day antigalgoxcore yomaru kasuga alpha_c yomarucore :( Sad surprise ending sfdsadafsf polonium italololxd3 rick roll UwU melodyne filter/resonance vocoder ta sa theme Boby boobs calm wtf jailsoncore not gta:sa theme caralho issu rain 7/8 illegal not a game sharpscii obot djmaximumcore demoscene pandavovacore resubmitcore >:( bad censored what is it? bouncy spoiler flowers girl lonely stroll wvlcore running gag farts not illegal literal garbage avatarcore trending hot men generic boring tropical b how mathcore discord & KNUCKLES elwoodcore *squish* minecraftcore sound design low-pass filter ragequit partial liveplay experimental simple &
happy loopy kirby green greens original green green zone chao garden sonic&tails all_7 best of friends chords xm vgm polka wow ethnic nsf mp3 FCM10 entry ska VRC6 cheery defeatistcore++ Sad. mellow =( sine short minstrel emotion ;((((((((((99999 nice car piñacoladacore bossa Ivan Lins casio demobutton cheerful pep commacore antidescriptcore descriptioncore post-processed AY oldschool 9man snesmod rox Tim Follin fleetwood mac britney spears pentatonic SNES spc KISS rock n roll racing black sabbath rockin rock jesus christ maria ghey anime photomash bleep amenbreak chill golgicore lofi thrassshhhhhhh wooooooow power-quest rhapsody of fire powerrrrrrrrr ooh a choir cool openmpt piano chippy 8bcore arps tritone raphcore 666 and 66 ZX Spectrum 4 on floor party! kick energetic p. happy .xm chordy sequel cute hard pans correct birthdaycore triplets cum rock rock hard hard rock hard cum distortion guita Roque Wins™ reprise .mod David Wise rockmusic Follin solos finesse face autobots snowflake snowflace MEU OVO beach digimon world nice peaceful arpfest swimming introtune panning demostyle cracktro keygen PCE NEC Turbo Grafx upbeat grant kelly underdog detune get down vic20 funk bass vr6n001 funky leady groovy c-jeff it does exist smooth collab theme of waifu milky shred lsdj lsd(j) dream emu party tilt lsd(j) lsdj-core house Gameboy acid clubby Adlib Pat Metheny heard 'em say zone computer science educational pedagogicore Melodyne options menu edutainment catchy schoolcore 8 bit loop crap golgisexual latin samba casiocore E major vaitercopasim e thx u wow cutie ^o^ noooo chipart flower Spring Tracks punny traincore C minor ytpmvbr line break <br> br witchcraft raphaggotCORE Grant Kirkhope PIRATES banjo kazooie jammy FirstCore A minor funkeeh tag me plz moody level 22 chipist woah castlevania moartagzcore level 23 chipist level 25 chipist it level 26 chipist classical happy summer backstreet boys ttlyhetero ttyhero buttsax bossa chords gay good title! brazil solofest groove jazz swing ralphcore solomania pun 🎉 fuck sonicbass fuke kulor seance dat bass good tails tails' plane YM2612 OPN2 SN76489 DAC malmen fart bass forlorn <3 actual music cute ^o^ Extremely demand actual jizz aww chipstyle nasty cheating overly cute OTTcute theme music To The EXTREME cave story Jimmybeat making software perrisimo wario land bouncy music actual you nerd dreamy uninstall chrome sex nice as fuck bossanova fun sakura blast credits me add no zap fm esperpop the licc the lick tool-assisted knaecketraecker trills dance beat donk jam uplifting sunshine stroll yu-no adventurous tension ominous deflemask fusion 800's 80's Roland XV-5080 guitar mod ohb money $$$ jackpot gold axe body spray ambient redacted voice mixing arpeggio savage hot stuff sunny relaxing first try ralts pokémon pony heavy metal defeatitscore rushed not 5/4 4'33 what is dis raph clicky anthem tetris mixing pumpin pugservice cover l0l meow fluttershy defeatistcore alien gif turn green trending wow tails ;( what is this :D proud liveplay melodic solo raphaelgozart~~~ why so much 3xx N106 ronaldocore amiga brasil SID like sound 7-4 time 7/4iscool Garten Ripoff que delicia boy gender heart love thumbs up hand cartoon smile draw like 男 男の子 tricrotonal imperfect 35 swag xaser Bossa Nova should have won flap bass demoscene heroic spooky onioncore 3.5/1 Funky easy listening umemotocore calm it2nsf leftchannelcore sonic sfdsadafsf italo disco entry 2 is the g percussion vocalcore vocal mixing alexandre senna caralho issu not boring not generic melancholic samples wobble drums melody brk sinecore ballade breaks elevator chordsss~ edm not brazil funk danceable pelé core speech portuguese not spanish romance language 2spooky4me honk skill trimpet strobecore codist