
Level 25 Chipist   
Tags Given

banjo station awareness longest longer shadowrun syncopation long drone merzb00daw bam sluts loud vocals vox talker frampton timberlake svetcore filters drowning price is wrong jrlecore stroll eversion tga down under upside down targa unviewable animated gif gif tracker milky milhouse gameboy beep boops mario paint beardcore r-type dronecore chipmunk game overcore grazing sheep clowncore cirno codacore untitled unce descriptioncore surprise ending ant1core cheatcore short should have won camerons squozen oink smooth doot panflute lizard orchestra hit one channel mallet noise boing boom tschak stylist Valeria Golino Carla Gugino whoa cappuccino gazpacho capriccio fantasy cappricio fettucini Il Duce Startropics Lost Cosmonaut breakfast triangle calm FM beep boop dong bells battle power up chorale poop suspension quack geese honk march deaf wolves rain graveyard spooky bloop bling bwing ringgg book dac filter triangle lead stack trace f dance jig feces blood stink it's over blues thing ym buzzy ding ding barge slow waves water unfinished bop kirby ouch wub dog sit twelve tone how do I ohc proog not twelve tone cock ow my ears island drunk kulor lives juice strobey nope flitters jitters fritters oof have they even decided to go do look more like zoom 20X6 boinc a-a-a-a-a-a greensleeves chesse nab hate you for nab Secret of Mana Hiroki Kikuta polychord emergency broadcast system crawl slither sneaky random battle D lost me 25 boons wet as a fish ugly lovely somehow way weigh whey hetfield quasi hetfield borked corrupt broken dpcm timbale dpcm bongo super mario 3 starch buttcrack in my butt wedgie abrupt ending hang hang note tremolo jazz jello pudding pop sitcom late calypso VRC7 apocalypse mellon collie melancholy pixels prawns topless boobs necklaces hats green lips bedazzled eyes fitzgerald ascii barry mario prions mariawns larry names das rheingold brinstar sad porno chords cods cod Hirokazu Tanaka frantic steel and snare slap bass slap hip take on me i took it off sick puke bread barf cat gnarls barkley sleighbells 5/4 Justin Biebermas 3 minute effort eggs fake beard false beard beard soup udon noodle otp people lowest possible balls dirty pair high_council sprite lemon slime official seal seal of quality Henry Rollins Rollins Band über hat hatbeard big hat tall hat tall hat parade bird brain too many frames cactus saunter green plok lucas lucas arts lucasfilm lucasarts robot bird robot kfaraday kfaradaycore caribou worst short at least mulk Bashtar casio tick tock fawnk falco gabba heat death Nobuo Uematsu Nobuo Final Fantasy IV Scriabin 67-2 pink subversive sunglasses sungoggles borkfield hullu.s3m blade runner improv guitar pie violin doom doom surprise kazoo piano tang dubstep willy Keiji Inafune quark cookin' how how did you nice detune shudder microtonal snow penis p-p-p ST hi ji pink jazz trance speak plane goblin zap birds YEP space bacon pig nose txt YUHAYHAY PROGRES happyface story !ohc bulldozer kiwi fruit New Zealand shit pony pwny downvote brony duck tmnt burd savior text no human centipede defeatistcore icefeld bony wavy lines what is this the ruined :()-|-< toast chibitech gyms wide ties s3xmodit have ye beard vimster tincan not tincan cloning laser lazer laser eyes so curious weed snoop everyday hoodies hoodie hoodia hood rad hood in da hood twilight team bella motrin brad-o-tron brad realbrad gregorian rainwarrian chan sex wav lesbians b00dcore clit get to da choppa chopper steel lion power roulette bosom lightsaber vibrator brad sex hardpans sorry monsquaz ducks 2012 eunuch ow my balls surgery ow my throat doof seven asses alpha c chipjzz 10 minute compo codatroll coda codesque codiferous what are you jarre oh beez goose eruption toilet compo toki flops wafflecore wafflecone tarkus ELP BBS ansi goodbass dwee lunar core amiga life day chirpy jams germs >:V( )E pans wide vibrato lunatic A-3 vibrato DPCM metal progressive chipjazz amen break underworld mokimaf reverse periodic noise xaimuscore longcatislong wilhelm 6:17 walrus police call the police nitelite mono mario kartcore SIDstyle apocalypsecore bones dun dun dun ellow mallow king of snake panwave 4:03 wwgld commacore gymbags frog romance House dogsichord harpsichord no dog growl ruff choir yip bark night time SNESfunk drums gosplooigi bad loop mellow twanky stevia etch-a-sketch Winter Chip 7 1991 botbr in wizard snowman wcw staff cold ice sven yellow orange spongebob blockhead mcdonalds bricks alley brick love racoon poo results search generate bite LOL shizz chocalate sell box art diagram owl sleepy sketch psychedelic psycho freakout speed gotta go fast Jangler sneakers piña colada my friend mountains deadcloud pixel nips steviacore jungle jungle jungle chariot chairface fake coda billy jean best arm in art masterpiece masturpiecing A flat verdigrate bounce scream zoing fart mmc5 gauntlet warble take a chance dream abba breakdowns is not my lover *censored*core obama bama dollar oats plushie lyra exploding pony Torre Bert swatch rainbew rainbow time's up viking exploding clopping clop clop clop cutey honey hax sockpuppet chromatico unreadable title pumpkin skyclad style krunk hard benis doo doo doo controversial wanted lazy 15/8 doh bundle of sticks hardstyle waffles made maid this isnt a joke gigue arf intro quiet c'mon funk yeah st-xx nullcore western SNES deliciously amig wifecore wife ugh! fine! reverb right softpans arpfest iCrash amigazoid fake goluigi long patterns pachelbel owen washer tiger panning stereo Printmaster Brøderbund The Print Shop fake jangler youtube flowers banana zanzan inchy penguin ensemble yogurt tab frog robo satan maybe circles not good mask ears stars 8===D sweet home kicks hardstep EGA icons mastadon sandwich cuisine pen pen is mightier festive pi blink RUDE glitch iceberg lettuce IRL hoarder border goat goaty goatee pressure gauge guage moire magic_eye bust busty walt disney rotozoom blue grid haruhi japanimation CRAAASH BAAASH kraken cloud kawasaki pr0n traci lords dwang churchy elfy sexy nokturnal detune AY squares pour some syrup on me Metroid II smb3 match house thank-Q jam good 3 row echo wavy gb feel good happy flashbang r pillar fresh beats beats fresh haruhicore beat kids duck pond drink milk pops bossa nova dungeon clickety bang on Beethoven afrikaan-chicago congratulations party whole tone oom oom 90s horn alarm bagpipes run flips bumpin' loud arps fjopp two step DnB camelbreaker sad ding high juice pirates soft-loud bwaa pshh triangle octaves self parody sociopathy syndrome stockholm shirley don't call me 23:38 i ate the whole box chappy pusheen robopathy bowser battle waltz oompapa 7:40 brass shake dat brass metroid goodbye super mario kart 1 2 go dark damp cha tk acronymcore monster mash kee drum 8==============D petrushka beeaaw thick jangly sundriped chiowp master level Koichi Sugiyama tinny nicely tinny squee drippy oozy what is CMSHT thuggin' less is core Serious speedy goluigi put a donk on it optimal music uncy 行きます 14:03 king of loops 1:25 casio demo whack-a-chicken hail to the chef you monster shave progfaraday haircut 2 bits steel drums space jam C major CMSHT beard bossa hankfest he's alive nullfufurby swing wash egypt thank you JOHN IS BACK stamoscore eggless stephen malkmus ben folds Soyo Oka twerk aliasing snowfall snowy slide telly gutiar sine yeaaeah frat pirate caev stroy blips 80s burn the rope BeerPourCore Rush prog stick it in press play Steely Dan snozberries bwee warble_garble saw cover earthbound blind mice Yasunori Mitsuda mandatory mandatorycore arp factory death that so chowder chatter clam beard story too many dogs no boobs Tuxxy Brown jugs innuendo Gimmick isometric no caption wind ducks plain I am lovely album art fop blows convent fox mow na na na ow orangie hatman orangie hatman metal gear snake baden baden-baden boppin yeah boye magma dive nice TAS see? lovin' greasy grease love fight thriller hieroglyphics hierophant this guy drinking swording snoozing looking staring falling drink the island acid trip aSID trip real Svetlana rocket spider head in jar outline furby mars troll secret weapon palette cycle chelyabinsk meteor Forbidden Planet AMAZING! 3 minute entry reggaeton mushroom ghostbusters 2 now we dance vrc6 fds vox chordguy frank commandycore sad rainbow bouncy 2a03 traditional synthonic romantic princess gyms became 12 longoggislong noodler all the barries Barry Manilow Barry White america quiet backing love and death love then death fishsticks woof minimal effort inconsequential robotnik eggman pee regex monster peta ants mummy gradient greydient graydient otter mootlevania lemonade mean granny snag ragged raggy rag stretches microsoft shoo dah doowop locked groove DROP Frank Zappa Don Van Vliet velveteen Will Ferrell Robert Goulet chopin funeral introcore roof harmonious neat sound did you hear? deflemask opa opacore longarps alarm clock Robert Blake touchcore touchée cutie QT cute poppin' don't you love? bright dingy SIDdy war stew IN SPAAAAACE cameroncore 90s sitcom chip's challenge major second flutter trarps block breaker foot on bass Swearengen journey drifting claps fourths offbeat bass walkin' lombardian strings saxy chippy triplets kommisarate :O :( :) :P ( o_o) Parliament funky stretch rollercoaster pc speaker noisy why ogg why atomic doge Carl Sagan Eric Wareheim 50% dither dora explorer? backpack pink thing Jar Jar Binks royalty gungan glasses carrot melting tiny shorts Bugs Bunny nyeeh portal ninja 20-min-codcore to an MP3 fight bring an IT lyrical chords lowpass thick bucket the letter u glottal stop autotune downtempo morphine fill an area offbeat vibratocore deer wobbly future crew jump jive wail beat poetry sprinkles thumpa greek monody phrygian Dies Irae sweeping arps dots move ahead da bu dee da bu daa rockin' sad flower no shroom hemiola orioncore quick man bass bass bass creaky echo rattler 1984 boys trombone semi-svetcore anarchy tilt d'n'b 808 swampy sewer longbass compression sho thief word dogstack latin beat dugs they're coming scatterplot fifths bark bark one note samba abraham lincoln six minute entry burning DOScoteque disco die for the juke time out for fun Drives Me Crazy ballet unhatched chicks underrated moving boat crash cruise baby steps go go power rangers tuxcore bitpack lyrics creepy Michael McDonald horse face Heosphoros insert musical mootcore Funky Drummer oioioi flute epic movie globlike yip yip yip unhuh trombone solo AY intro bom ... ba bom spiral dizzy ain't no wub help speech.tos dinosaur dogcore oh no! come on clap clangy Dream Trap 4:02 secret manaboss Fantasy Zone chi demo chweeoooo woo-oo-oo arrow to the kneecore emo emote Willsaw price is right pow (=_=) scratchy auuuuuuu~ ancient bird surprise penguingo blank reg spooky end the hobbit glitch king fist of the mega man nice snare heavy circlecore dog spray dog stack pig stack baby stack sousa murder goose hiding she'll be coming round the mounts when she comes transposing pig relief squeek ass chrono clock long pause Syde Cheney bunce jazzy anthem skitter clicky yes help my arms eyebrows pointy noby noby tree dr. geyser truck warcore brushes cmshhhhhh one chord svetsvet chordy octamed soaring beltway bandits i'm leaving you Jan Hammer echoplex groove CR_GUIT ow that organ Star Control Fantasy Zone II down beeper gross titlecore Bauhaus Third Uncle Steve Vai Purple Motion shorty klaxons escape fezcore fugue sequence not very cmsht no cmsht semi cmsht poof sparkle fire robobird pulsating noise makes it grillcore G one lone note RPG battle xylophone uneven not the bees meta svetcore Shinobi III slappy sampled strings late breakdown hand godzilla pearl necklace dress hard titties searing sudoku electricity paper shredder chetcor boppin' beepin' hot zex blerp strobs braaang thexder boogie boogie down chase mystery ghost guile Sad. movin' along ocean grind Demon's Souls barbershop cunt carbonite noise burst NSF .daS AVGN burial Dancing Queen 10000th entry on time botbr in space there is a cat document duckument important mentalfloss good loop hammertime choom gang ersatzcore saturn saturnzreturn chack'n pop warhellride warning yea yeayea yeayeayea large tones tony tony danza terminator sarah connor not dead yet akira Mike Oldfield Angela button cute as a self-insertion MY burger carnivore tetris misleading title to go original magenta babe no hands G-sharp E-flat sudden death ring gran vals travel aeolian bunny angry synth spelunky oh girl flesh mozart in a can can commandycan car organ solo bomonosis exciting cannon fodder promenade ça marche bien Ryuichi Sakamoto multi song buy backing vocals whisper in ear mambo Kris Kristoffers xbone Daisuke Amaya Eh Steve! C00 ninjas stripes John Wayne snakes shrew Atari 2600 ant1 classy svet fixed it not enough yoshi B-flat prolific in the nude keffie d burrito tacos hatsuname miku volcano vocano square snare squirt drum hotdog kung fu i know codcore atlus glass teapotcore sweep overtones bobs demoscene girl little paddle boat pompadour oregon trail omg hairy Sue Perkins marble classical statue words wrods arps kulcore giv ze puppy air cheetahmen waffle dash dash dash attack warrior squid beware existentialism brodyquest golgi apparatus hoes XI monochrome swoledudez moose bad title favourite thing hook hands surfer Santa fade ending tenniscore autobots mouth line startupcore sweet volume tango Toccata in D ski bunny barely detuned saturncore snarl moo farmcore neigh epic tale can not lie 200th sirmixalotcore icecore ST-01 bip crash chopinesque soi soi soi dolphin soicore ringing ears rock it sierra baroque forward I like to watch 0th/7 wine beach bottle time sand towel stickman human chess chessmaster bud sax saxophone palette butterfly stained glass edge detect purple whipped cream powdered wig wig scarf red nose sun deathstar word bubble crabapple apple crab moai papa moai ninja scroll egg longcat tall cat parade bubbles pink sheep ant1lion blur blurs measurements speech inspirational beach. magikarp strobe baron chip champion CD release rubicon norway gengar fez hug strawberry ice cream potato chips not like others sudden end high res star one of these sled nintendo 1996 illusion pun vase optical judge scrutiny zardoz self portrait portrait animated fat fatty has abstract mantis cakes missing rat cheese PS3 playstation finch fucking badger islands sweater cool beats headphones peppers pepper strength Debussy Arabesque xaimuspeggio womp voiceofanangel loop build Schutzstaffel lava panelling miles davis surfboard lotion shovel chip sunset dither dot matrix print breakbeat sample John Carpenter John Adams AH AH AH AH AH A screaming numbers piece of shit um hidden penis sparks anvil cloak foggy angular klingon vulgaris Tengu booty cherries spumco fragged symmetry nunchaku yeti motion SICK Beetlejuice tempest wipeout Super FX nine inch tails space invaders mspaintcore photography skull drop shadow gameboy drawing seizure angled violence blacksmith blurry fogged glasses cataracts grapefruit tiny extreme close up scarface wood keygen the sea pirate rated arrrrrrrrr bachlapse euro MKULTRA get down training not the waffles goose overlord driving vs mechagodzilla mecharex cartoon intro flying full fulfilling krupscore woosh nose drummer bossa ding-dong doublings Elliott Gould gouldcore Hip Tanaka sad ninja TaikoSamba tincancore Alberto Gonzalez swimming creeping up boosh boss fight sweepy input methods FormatPop hello fine noises KMFDM beautiful meow do not pursue fonk damn swell Pat Metheny it's coming snare cry hand job boss rondo explosions fume joints David Wise beginning breakbeat motivationalcore orchit deep ambience caves cool moon bed rides hiding heiroglyphics matchbox hospital gown good rhythm thisisbystrobe not enough bzz insect penis secret penis bwap the most FM pleasant gangnam style anime nice flight lesson learned bag ron gus poutinecore deus ex talkbox chain dance våfflor templecore uneasy clapping clangcore kwak strum chrono trigger musicbox titties clean loopy haggis dance dance take me there copyrightcore © 4/4 blast off ok bye yayote hardest pans click bwow drill shifting sands wonderful time signature corecore squeaky pizza beater 4 on floor zaps ok melancholia to be continued savage rude awakening arpeggio samples flow come on and warm pleasant sound sprough the thectrum clickjazz cool irreverent reich usabilitycore flower cell vines latecore graffiti cage vine vampire lips kiss from a rose lullaby max hp 1992 wobble inspiring perfect cafe barkleys Camptown Races 1995 town adventure motivational humongous chill sicle pop Scott Joplin germride triumvirate Altered Beast vibrato everlastingpeace acidjazzed pentatonic crystalline scutland socks storage error buzz errr relaxed battlepets feel it myew chordcore potion little mermaid regal vangelis climb it cheery blast congo chiptune vibrato snare heavy footed flawless charleston buildup carmina prawna heavy beat i killed him dat beat rickroll congrats birthdaycore DANGER exploding nes phasing bonk space of taste fat beat best beard squiggly Candy dual attack eurostyle Jonathan Dunn stop'n'go variety_hour sailing bit trip stagger mysterio lactose duck hunt pure come home oh no lucky death march quart duplicatecore sodacore jacocore relax sailing the C good groove boom boom boom moody mt. moon who are you endurance disconnect battery barren wuffet bow wow bossacore Rolling Thunder auuugh! special lovely arps best price vinyl breaks music video building gritty thump swim in a dream vocaloid really good fakefakebit educational rock opera emotional 78rpm staplercore collab hacks Quincy Jones lorem chipsum wiggly strong potion city soundtrack sinecore square read this tag watermeloncore strumming sidechain your dream it does exist magical anti-wafflecore chillwave x-files blippy Nicki Minaj pirate ship uhh sweet bass modcore ahhh sealy I ate it turning on destroy tokyo it moved me lemon shaped cave cave in rock smashy raindrops strapless peniscore erectile dysfunc collect 200 boon extruded face microwave lord electrical socket in space veil torn turning orange scribble escaping blocks lightning grass blow tss t t part two rainy afternoon konami bad sex pyrrhic victory pencil sword conical hat detached feet tail shorts key stomp zx spectrum photoshopped little wing Conan O'Brien italian long filename Apple II steamy and yet it moves too big very nice automatic wad it worked link to the postmodern hippo bedroom SQENQ hidden message Paul McCartney Beatle slash kickin' Kanye football nutball nutsack 5 testicles five Pollock please try again good stuff feisty furious percussion post-svetcore liveaeris slinky matrix Damn Damn burp Michael Jackson maturity strip first samurai Otograph Shinobi anticipation sodomy exotic objects bowie radio show primus Piggy Starduck let's go raise the roof the police frogb surprisecore channelfest mom rat mom Big Blag If I was a mom flower rat mom vuvuzela too real Christian Bök Christian Bok Eunoia Ubu kowai weh tag battle perfect all 1s 1 K33P CRY1NG T_T scratched record don doko doko IN A WORLD baron mixburry megamix James Brown bolero sociology scientology FRED DURST not helvetica brooks was here ski free skifree skreefy Amanda Wenk world famous bro communism

Tags Received

hardpans buzzy ay Arkos Tracker Amstrad ym ym6 snow electronics ruined cambria font rainbow yay art scrap parts snow yay text trail have ye beard smooth mew descriptioncore moonhorse return sgen storytime rainwarrior mellow bass fumk vgm sn76489 jam chill cod twinkle jazzy good title slow-walker short cute reverb shortcatisshort SMS original startupcore loud sseeeeeeeegggaaa blippy texture fast saturncore icy noise hello self-fave vic20 melodic DOSstyle poutinecore adventure Sega Megadrive Genesis PSG sweepy e-vangelism filters roland c64 sid spiral power gamemusic leady pink robots echoey pokey rocky groovy bluesy Gameboy blues solo saloon it's a sign sine penguin berd glitch the shogunate ultimate nsf NES ping donkey kong jungle groove chrono trigger jams SNES spc snesmod tabla fusion drums huggis hant huggs4all adventurous egg eggg egggg drop sore nyan egg tortia TIA out super eggout moody .mod melody Watch out! 3xx wintery happy airy triangle PCE autobiography hudson bass japan-jazz poutine rainofdark 11/4 air on a G strin bach bachlapse 🎉 pizza beater neighbors special fx mallets neighbords 1-bit ZX Spectrum adlib rad chillout max hp lovely lullaby rpg inn midi TOO SHORT drone earthbound jesu just ligeti_carbonara ambient hidden penis secret penis o _ o microtonez brain reverb .it python radiophonic wendy carlos delia derbyshire g-spot tornado look around you sinecore guitar nice Strings awesome dk64 battle theme powertothepooper energetic warriorcore VRC7 ominous it orchestra hit electro 80s action sho reggae conspiracy MMC5 melancholic poop turd sneaking around little noise all 6s VRC6 shazz ow my ears loopy interpolation book paper tincan ohb xm plok orch hit shepard tone GET DOWN whole tone World 1-4 World 2-4 World 3-4 World 4-4 World 5-4 World 6-4 World 7-4 World 8-4 all 7s MAGNUM OPUS perfect 35 1ch cool title pianissimo calm relaxing quiet drunkore intro peaceful horror spooky pcm hiphop voice mixing cheery doomsday long lemonparty shrimps dreamy small vomit chordguy fanfic nuts all 1s perfect 5 deez nuts 5 gross nsfw lemon animated green plok FDS thelizardofbirds floaty cosmochip titlecore beautiful liveplay acoustic fun svetlanacore upbeat speech cat vimster laser not tincan monsquaz PENIS joonas karjalain illegal (~'o')~ ~('>'~) poop contest <p font-size=100 kefcore waterfx owl stevia 15/8 tab png reed richards you quack no quacks no caption acapella mp3 dux space duck 3 minute entry sad love hurts brooks was here circle map semi-svetcore disco bass fartro funk lombardian wingcore hi subterraneans anarchy blade runner green man Carl Sagan 20-min-codcore methodical metal echo word bird six minute entry die for the juke globlike Drives Me Crazy backstreet boys acappella jazz band bossa Angela speech.tox dinosaur good ancient bird the hobbit oink bunce clicky fugue poof grillcore xylophone godzilla commandycan mozart in a paper shredder trills can can on time yea large not dead flips it worked eruption modest bomonosis screamer spoopy xbone Eh Steve! wad lizard golgicore burrito line atlus deaf amiga attack pokemon fez creeper vine Fxxabusecore th place sketchman3 l8ist platinum hackist points secret of mana steamy microtonal ROOF quicknotes wenk chant rainwarrian chan classicool music vox chamber gregorian eric whitacre