
Level 23 Mixist   
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short Db major swingy arpfest stall blue buckets noodlebaboons earthbound happy C major defeatistcore loma* fuck you loma butts gol pls fix FL guitar solo bossa nova jazzy midi damncoolchords raisin Absolute pitch zora cute harmonisator Sad. funny bassy Peter Jackson King Kong vaporwaste mellow chill kewl reharmonization wads up doom bobby prince marisacore jazz groovy 春です keys chords nostalgic-ish good chords fug ambient-ish ambient beep boop wanker salsa leady thats kinda jazz samba arpeggios baroque classical fm intermission fm intermission c64 filters chipstyle violin epic waltz strings string cheese rpg piano the licc jazz piano lick the lick upbeat square lead loopy sims theme hospital stabby fun dusthillguy sunshine calm relaxing flute villagecore mechaorgan sad anime cheerful lullaby snes fixing_roads organ intimidating moody dr who ooh filtercore lofi shoegaze 1bit fakebit 1bitstudio clubby Mario Paint painty 80s turricancore runny anthem animalcore cheery triplets extreme distress extreme distress apathetic :( straight terrifying oom-pah rascal scalawag hooligan trickster rapscallion scamp knave ne'erdowell rogue cur yobbo funny tune steel drums cmsht peaceful tension dramatic simple keygen cow adorable neckbeard should have won windows xp fluffy titlecore buzzy real good moldy oh no tragedy horror toilet paper wheels voice mixing lol cute tho samples mohawk bread debussy reggie wow <3 horns lil' feelings solo rothko mspaint silly semicolon amazing grand flourish mysterious maxo soda ravel close harmony tone clusters subluminal melancholic face cow bell whistle reed jungle sounds wacky warm unsettling spooky evil literally shit 0:56 funky toast depressing bird 30s cartoon tiny mii hurry attention bossa nova pause loading wait a minute groove tincan tincancore guitar penaltycore vocals mellotron trumpet mega man castle castle theme orchestral 5/4 13/8 time signatures rave bouncy Super Mario Kart dreamy castlevania quartet ragtime energetic adventurous speedy arps sneaky dance