Hi there, welcome to the battle.
- i'm dobra.
- i make all of my music in Ultrabox, i've been using Beepbox & it's mods for nearly 3 years now.
- i'm from Northern Ireland, in 6th form.
- i have a youtube channel where i post mostly remixes, usually of Mega Man music.
# awesome goals..! #
- host some battles (Atleast 7 in total)
- get my 7th badge (JummBox probably)
- get a medal in each XHB type (4HB Gold, 4HB Silver, 4HB Bronze, 2HB Silver)
- bronze my badges close to being bronzored... (Remix & Allgear)
- do better in major battles
- keep yearly adding more shite to my profile picture until it's unrecognisable
- drink more water