The taxman brings a prediction!
"Yikes, the Omnibus Bank of BotB is in the red! Everyone will be paying 20% next May!"
wobble madness pulsewave stutter :D seizure down-we-go ill pulsekick vgm headbangin' dissonant cractro epic badass circus polkadrum gating arpey jrpg downwards-dilidu drill magnets-and-how- CASIOOO casanova distortionz welsh-dance-musi hard-chill aliasing pleasant untzdanz long_bass kill_'em_all lyfe midimadness organic wow hardcore rave pokemon mario-music beat-em-up mario music toxic refinery pseudosine 2A03 lazy radical goodie spooky tarzan murder delightful distortion CUATRO insanity de art detune beats proudness hard rock magical c-minor chilly skillz cockin' chant legendary disturbion reverb letkee lowpass defeatistcore stereo xylophone metal poland wtf backbeat magic Good day! thank-Q romantic love hurts interpolation none auuuuuuu~ ST-CORE baroque trigonometry forté shmup progressive rock rad dogmarket descend into mad cave story iterational title spider waltz Sid. 42:10 samples eval sax rip wau sine descriptioncore fizz yamahasnare kebap ambitious gangsta techno cheese on a plate rocknroll beat explicit public domain grand bitpuritan power pop bassy gokart horns lyrics funky edgy owl city weeping robot grind progression groovy power-quest hellyeah björk vortex tracker heavy professional xwe is horrible xa-sharp trumpet arpfest gradient maze git hell fast ring absurd custom music chipstyle popular microvibrato heroic the sims sith BRK mandatory backli chords hoes wnED alt account modern not actually end atmosphere clubby misguided nostalgia pun cockin high pitched bleepy bgm pop rocking maths moral eclipse doskpop sad ballad non_chippy soundtrack 1-bit speedy arps prog descending square MEGA sweet zabutom cool effort vengeance packs slogan guitar drax maniacs of noise upbeat rockin mr frodo dub gif mellow organ composition mallets autobiography melody warm can not lie jams cinematic triphop duck tales hak felinecore pirate rated arrrrrrrrr stage rock kuppa no demostyle robots micromusic 8bcore trademark™ EDM filter bass moving rocky sikk shootemup svensk dutch colors queen tracker doom caverns crazy fakefakebit akira nemo Frank Klepacki fodcore bright NiN industrial whatcanisay worth it happy uncles genius meatballs caps unnecessary credits bends smooth holiday ohwhy järvi mökki funkeeh mafia humppa amazing blatant hopelessromantic sugar soap opera malmenized glockenspiel square lead fartbass orchestra cadence breaks blues meta synthbass ducks melodic IDM bittersweet rock'n'roll BOO solo insomniac delicate powermetal harpsi brutal low key change chill vocals pekka kana 2 keygen 1994 turkey country scotland sucks nerdy alexander brando hail_satan lover boi airy laid back backstreet boys sickness of the noise strum spacesynth oldschool orchestral hit hack poetic mario no thrash responsibilities sensitive mml riddim mysterious biscuits raw all n00bs unce malmen fart bass super dope source rhythmic vengeance asm juke CGI glitch gcc nasty cheating nice dramatic Extremely demand funny so cool sample song loss GrumbleGrunt xaser complete doomguy the best great boohoo not zan better_than_orig beach lets go! lead ddr FM post-kyunstep LOUDNESSWAR #mod_shrine flap bass famous botber beautiful cute inferno dynamic stacksmash amiga pads vaporwave synth accurate sound design ditherz organs church of adlib midi delay totally professi animation mush harpsichord doom metal bass no wank blue note timbaland piano chromatic aberra orchhit picking curly brace danzmetal wank soundfont horror worship sad theremin MIDI power metal hihat Math Jokes isao tomita bass music throat singing adventure perfect 80s civilized comeback actual music tomfills dreamy microtonal groove lady gaga trance utter shite
dope killa gameboy madness cce wild glitchcore ZX spectrum Beeper Speaker funk knight 1-bit adventure saccharine i hate u2 pop loopy cute not-too-loo 8kb xm beat 8k.xm SIDstyle Funky 32kb tincan mp3 groovy tehusualsaxpects voice mixing tin can grand slam grassio photo multiple medium bass 64kb silly jumpy breaks ambiance bum rusher arpfest nsf mellow industrial rad as heck guitar hah amigamod mod rock nintendo vii tracker ggg png multiple fonts birdy bop unce tracne beats dance maj7 suave shroom mario paint spooky SNDH AY chromatic modulation cheerful wubwubwub wubfest wubstep 8bpcore LSDJ gameboy stereo acid 80s oldschool Amiga love st-xx fun 6/125 vocals live liveplay demo basement recording commodoresque sid energetic piano strings sparkles smooth lovely all the hearts YES anime op crap RIP kfaraday happy modshroom :D/ island arpy beach bitspeek cute cowbell FL Slayer yay! FM gabber kick good Techno Metal fantasy rock YM2612 pads wow metal first instawinner dissonance glitch funk impulse tracker secrets descriptioncore 2083 bpm wipeout 3D wipeola tempest Super FX history brand video game special theme c64 atari snes Japam world trending inspired blippy volume underdog vic20 aww mod2vic doom midi clubby club seal sealy seal club ahhh vocal bouncy wikka wokka .mod deep ambience caves detroit trip-hop dark glitch dubstep mexico Hard greets 2 strobe loud short not unnecessary death metal heavy dystopia nice instruments snesmod sfx heartbeat vgm rammstein shadow ze_baron damn squares pants are for MelIow groove armada voice reverb pads ambient mellon idm comfy relaxing chill dreamy satan rockin' satanic logic fl studio 5/4 watery Awesome Little Mermaid strobecore real bytebeat chipstyle snare percussive sawtooth saw square sidechaining noisy meow waltz? oink mew flowers in pants animals full monks musicial inspiration sonic mania piano horns catchy tee lopes tooty banjo atmospheric Swedish moody eurobeat synth tutorial retrigger stabs buzzy hype racing dance floor hero orchestral epic melancholic ominous hifi film pluck bell boring plinky cool hungry jazzy 🍔 slap bass stroll hardpans leady hickup ohc pork robot lyrics speedy pirates pixel symmetric trolls goblin module dramatic keygen kung fu i know japanese 12k mysterious ultimate beardcore white rabbit upbeat bacon demostyle windows xp venn diagram not a comic diagram empty xi txt cupcake basscore skyline monster squido action horror orange city destroy scary chrome shaded 4-color space ohb emotional noisecore givemeadavid 90s sinecore sho untz stars 8===D THIS rap Metal II cover vox cover wall of text MISSINGNO adventurous tension disco chords percussion fn_fngr_fd tristotune vocal mixing backwards spun satan worship echo Ann Arbor IX relax remix ChipChampCore omg-lol singing THX bandstyle Auto-Soul woodstock autotune eno ambient 1st half ENYA valley of jizz dkc david wise Art of Noise Fairlight synthy variety_hour chillwave vocoder casio shy acoustic plucky pee-wee trololololololol slogan