organic oneshot woodwinds loop strings hybrid synthetic 8bit voices mechanicals clicks pops percussion sound fx glitch voice fucking done trollolo strong bolts dreambeat silly bumps jump and shoot long-haired swor no effort destroy kielbasa long pop elite beat stomping dope fuck mr. pianoman shit mouths skipped brains death jam jump and punch funk knight ui is mean drone spaceship bumpy dunks zanzan rape breaks the funk beats chill 3GHz-bit city cops glitch dreamy doppel strobeluv girlchip glitch-hop seashore level f is for farts superhero duibstep 8192 arps goofballs eighties mothersbaugh cok TIA dreams land overview SID strobewank unce ambient speed jamz game channel f original neat sfx trenchcoat mafia tech know lococore overland android rdj winter heart 7s-core ant1-hate dirty smile stereo easy time happy fast beat not duibstep club remix snare farts ambistep dreamstate reggae cute stuttering probl distopia adlib ant1 club trance sunvox deflemask sacred geometry krimsonova oompapa svetlana germs viznutcore de la verga tool rallying packs please dissonant banshee hail satan industrial drink my piss cookie monster MMC5 SuperNSF waltz 3/4 game gear theremin defeatistcore cum rock tia screamsnare aliasing agnostic octoballs cthulhu floppy gonads 3.5" failurecore toy tanks on a piano worldwide n00bt00n troll render crunk beats l8play l8ist el8ed plannedtobeawful club seal clubby sealy hugstobotb fuckingstothe ch modernclassic 666 and 66 beach elevator chipsandwich suparetriggamidi 0th zeroeth VGMMM MKULTRA baby sleep smooth high functional reaper awfuckit weed busy marijuana melikeme detune cello demon b00dhorror dreamscape peace charrango shredding twoarmedman swiftgroove aww boredomcure professional fauxrenoise tagbeg neighborly selfplugcore wicked antidescriptionc teslacoilcore pastiche rox wesley willis CHR table fartbass supergroup cavitycore cantstopplaying gameboy triumphant downbeat medieval smoothiopathy tangent vocal variety hour twin peaks delusioncore kissasserycore groove all n00bz not bent the drop dystopia spc700noise reznor guebón pokey grunt impressive kemocon keep going too short short atmospheric asm vic20 funk arpfest descriptioncore not supernsf theory retriggercore demoscene konami bassy jazzy beatemup coded sauce source rewind tape nsf+ vrc6 buzz 50% duty AY beat kick drums moan hæit nintendoy sor penis worship 90's groove gabba techno SNES plz POKEY waves pukes of rage all7score streets of rpg brasillove thankyoucore drugs gg gamegear breeze sun grass teaches peaches xrns2xm2it2spc beat down breaks not ascii 150hz N163 artifacts 8bc style hax 16k hardpans thumb blister sine scholarcore lurker entry hip-hop sgen horrorcore PSG PCM hello sinners li spc700 dilemma nelly no sound gzipped mp3tomidi vanessa carlton 1000 miles /dev/urandom ftm multichip vrc7 strobecore spurcore no audio xpmck sms first_in_my_mind musetracker troll entry cult of personal JPEG breakbot baby i'm yours copyrighted MOD blank Reason cowbell 6561 toejammy winter adventure bare knuckle sneventracker kitchen sink Windows 3 notDOS monaural tiatracker vgmtools 0ccFT famitracker codist SNESGSS alundra-y goldeneye sleizsa duo phaser victracker geometry tedzakker mario paint bknoxcore snesmod knaecketraecker MOD2PSG2 farts duck hunt all 7s fticore dezaemon 2 sega saturn PCM loopy blackheartcore hardware disqualified octamed audacity favoritism pandatracker nodescriptioncor illegal rmt 0cc-ft nullcore ant1core weebfunk coolcore illustrator anticipationcore funky filtercore funkjazzbeat hardcore beatdown meandercore dabudidabudai R&B club kid ridge racer car chase crunkcore Action 52 gary wilson weebcartoons arpuntziocore amiga racing c64 filters o face manlady comic sans eurobeat TIA 2600 engrish theremindancecor boss battle self-gratitude cruisin' daft edlinfan rave mariopantsdx to-the-max last call white aol psilocybin dusty record stereotype nineties predatorcore 404 kfaradaycore feelingscore trapcore little farts wii sports streetfunk spurtsball hit me japan brevitycore wet old white guys tribal call cut fart ending abrupt ending tropical on hold emotional peanuts thin not plagiarized rulebreakdancing longness wah guitar warpy thick faeries slight detune cut off hip hop brevityfailure djmaximumcore best chichard d fames snes9x tuned farts garvalfcore pxtone sunsoft peter gabriel malmencore charlie brown longcatislong conversationcore zerocore timbres patische DevEd++ DevEd-- ocarina of time buskercore Jesus hahpi bersdey öä_and_bass 𝓟𝓡𝓘𝓝 cawfee enema boss fight renoise detuned earthbound DTMF abcore heterosexual collab kffcore drukqs ted c16 code all7 titties 7core lounge lizard קַבָּלָה
breaks interesting nsf different intro heroic cute thin sho tincan silence mario paint simple slow 6/8 short exciting farm exciting creepy b00dhorror theme horror sid descriptive sap drunkore basscore tia smirky loopy fish moody vic20 vgm punchy bin mp3 shmup beat lonely stroll threatening blood sacrifice descriptioncore sms panwankery chafamex waltz 1bit harsh frightening dank spooky ill b00daw Crunchy ZX spectrum Beeper Speaker 1-bit bbsong titlecore trippy beatdown hardcor DPCM smelly farts very good indeed porn groove farts atmospheric megafloot Liverhate superbadass unfriendly trauma dungeon scary drunk VRC6 loud channel f boop beep zap zip lazers f for farts laser gun murder boner all-out-of-gum longcatislong stereo warblegarble beehive glitchy Phaser1 brap adhd <3 l0l ice atari t-shirt frozen chips chips irl 2600 jpg hardware photo black bars mellow moancore spc true songmanship xmsnes dkc2 dkc it mod8k drone merzb00daw electric razor long longest dong overcocked 2xsap swing maj7 detuned silly good great decision beardcat Dr. Seuss glitch textcore schizophrenia wobbles post-rock dubstep stretchy LOUD ENDING circuit bending MKULTRA monarch underdog 2spooky ultrasonic pokey experimental lorem chipsum noise ominous tiny nose penis explicit variety.png vulgaris Tengu totally NSFW benus talent disturbing space clubby das experiment hedonismcore hæit breathy voice mixing shit in pants wow huge_organ headache fuck burger phoenix boobs science words link's awakening metroid shirt_shirt not four colors drawing beard beardcore draw over photo noisy pans tremor peenisluv ow computer speedcore hax scrambled codist 1200bpm a bit too fast botbaby haxpaint pandavovacore woOOo good title 2:03 heavy collab zelda cold not vivaldi viby clod atonal vibrato hardpans poetry avant-garde sfx weird mystoc tension reversed mystic ambient-ish great glitch hax cat defeatistcore; t hank you very mu musetracker Sad panda bad neighbor scatology kill all neighbo neighbours suck ch detune censor lemon tree guitar vocals hebrew letters eerie openmpt thoughtful vanity probably fonzie heatcore foozlecore poop thick code sonar glitchfest druid asm monotone uvb-76 cancore screechy arpfest beatbox pizza 🍕 PRAISE ZA! liveplay crazy melancholic singing panslide sad barf quack variation depressing vibratocore slidecore stuff ohc zst happy douchecore ohb beats egyptian C D E F A# panda dark noisecore unsettling hang hang note mspaint aliengasm blippy avant garde spray xD demon FDS clicky 8k.xm volcano bomb b00dcore clit angry face angry drums eating xm rawr png adamsapple Big face distorted 12k evil mod vag art cyclops allgear beepy animalcore beltway bandits a pile of leaves godzilla pearl necklace aww kawaii rainwarrior go gocore kotos snowy story pointy nipple topless hospital gown 0th r&b alarm not penaltycore sloppyjones perfect 35 all 7s penoise dramatic FM best entry ay-like coda negative score below zero sillyventure negative remix highlights percussive acoustic samplepack piano jazzy vocal chops domestic abuse downtempo Ann Arbor IX vocal mixing rape echo flute ukelele bridge distortion painless panslides nes screaming voice scream growling britney spears moaning vocal noise high pitched vfx 8ths loop chippy arps synth speech dalai lama sick mud generator italian man men dog sing jesus christ lonely chip stalker spookey dork crap keyboard cat illegal pussy wtf saw psg clone vocal speaking cartoon noises cartoon fart puke BEST voices field_recording ambient laughter giggle