
Level 30 Chipist   
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vaporwave fm synthesizers jazz ambient-ish short cute bossa nova DOS sega genesis music theory summer calm loop pcm abuse Starquake Super Mario Worl Tim Follin sega text funky Sunsoft Arabic Godzilla on NES Namco mellow calming snowflake photograph Fami×Defle bitcrushed sampl ambient animu crazy horror movie vocals 80s snes sidsidsid happy pcm spacey DOOM red dick donkey kong pixitracker memes roleplaycore lolwut? creepy wario yoshi bowser mario luigi peach birdo koopa troopa ℋ𝔢𝔩𝔩 amiga? midi sound April 1st sawtooth 1930s Namco wsg acid bass Amiga USofCanada panda tracker renoise happy pig percussive titlecore voice sample 3spooky5me pixel duty 25% credits samples Detune anime anime letters snes-related karate demoscene atmospheric nyan cat oink VHS effect paint brush 🐄 genesis bass turrican CAPS LOCK abrupt ending orchestra japan beatcore snesnesnesnesnes classical giana sisters painting rpg git gud vrc6+mmc5+fds monty on the run lyrics owl's hoot e621core nes samples creative title short as usual vaportrap solarsandscore repetitive meowshack waltz? papyrus portamento twinkle twinkle jokecore PCM? glitchcore ay-3-8910 80's jerk midi periodic noise pentatonic kahoot! :-( AMEN BREAK B♀B 1st place secret agent diddy kong racin anime-ish castlevania unfinishedcore pizza 420 blaze it wario land I love you Miner all chipists diverse team Carl Sagan an actual game 4th Wall square wave father christmas bouncey lame djmaximus Wii noises carnival snesmod irish ballerina toy story T-Pain rap ridley him? *sad face* labyrinth furry keygen once youtube... sunsoft bass calm and long twank you europop TIA earthbound medieval furries casio shakespeare tiacore vocaloid techno furaffinitycore vector art team america poemcore chip switching tms9918 vibrato klonoa earthbound venus ROTTEN.ST tribal polka boss fight arpfest 8-bit beast WEEB! Dubmood meow 2hu zombie nation subliminal messa react™ USSR metroid chaos emeralds Th4 5N35 nintendon't dancey pan bland atari bass follincore rated m vrc7 atari simple sounds bubble bobble merry-go-round Charlie Brown go japan! EKG savestate .gif deflemask stinkerb06 chip n dale sachen djmaximumcore a e s t h e t i TITAN AMERICANADA unsettling typo mixtape revampcore experimental charlottecore anti-D34D the lion sleeps happy af chinese hip hop sad :( strobecore ym 2fast4me Quirby24 female shrek boozetracker π defectmask beautiful map music stevenuniverse chelnov famimask toy keyboard zalgo deved hæitd thi ghost emoji team canada birdyful karateka WwWwWwWwWw sid moody deviantartcore team diversity trash neurohardc scary NES colors stain steven universe team uk russia ow my ears loopy bunny wabbit memecore 4:20 pcnacore zeldacore greek letters puncore gameboy interesting namecore zuncore chicken dinner deflemasochism vrc6+n163 ujicocore skale tracker human rabbit legit mario odyssey 46 catholic the end undertale oddly calm simple kleedercore good singer defeatistcore touhou all 7s snescore greekchip tsuzuku flame repelent nes pcspeakercore hatecore hebrew letters wobodo picklecore pickle rick yomarucore ytpcore casiocore more than 40 :( friendshipcore sonic 3 dithering flipnotecore dithercore weeb vocoder vextrexcore bleep bloop imaginary friend dancecore tic-80 surreal fartcore team 'murica pokemans midi samples jazzy? anime opening tia sounds acidjazzcore e ingenuity nes bootleg david wisecore multichip core amigaaaaaaaa bunny britania beepbox not a game blameitonjorge gotta go fast amigaaaaaaa pumpkin scared computer frogger tiatune gif italiancore pac-man ghosts pong dame tu cosita triangle volume kaneokacore touhoucore gianacore FM synth panning ms paint beepola correctioncore groovy pokémon fine tuning stars jreddcore filtercore tobicore team germany acid trip pengo overclocking asia japanese h_mistercore chill umamicore speakonia sk-1 drums antigalgoxcore 4 steel drumcore heatcore dance clickcore illegal enchantedcore teethcore rareware clever actual music relaxing casio sk-1 meest monochromatic pixelated earth tones pandavovacore amigacore 90's davincicore arp spooky simplistic eminem m&m vocal track st-xx floralcore real music whimsical SAM YM2151 fm only birthday burfday samplecore puke7 vocal mixing aesthetic descriptioncore hot colors sunflower bright colors soothing drop it demo shimomuracore gimmick! sunsoftcore gimmickcore colorful jazzy smooth jazz fm radio goattracker creepypasta owo what's this? it's a moon! multipaint multicolor c64 chipchampcore huelsbeckcore dvdplayer fetish yummy yummy sciencecore science famiku bOTB tracker cracktro SIDcore simpsons oc fenrir dogcore god melody ic classic old school doomcore e1m1 bonk super paper mari mathcore ihateeverything ihe jestercore dubmoodcore pacifier 1-bit 6581 z80 knaecketraecker bambootracker ice cream truck analogous colors segacore tiatracker silly cartoon springcore peta petacore clowncore clown segapcm upbeat studycore longcatislong nescore walkman smb2 opl3 adlibtracker 2 sidstyle luka 4k sms sm64 mr. krabs jeff the killer fnaf world vrc6core hummer team hummercore perspectivecore tiny toon samps smosh shut up! vapourwave gems penis music pog abstract aymcore link's awakening baroquecore voice mixing TTS intellivisioncor st-01 bubble system SIDlike chase scene konamicore vishnucore 4D animated italo-disco ym2203 opn vib-ribbon nostalgic time trax afterburner resubmission resubmissioncore cirnocore cha-ching vgmcore numacore MSGS rapcore 808 tr-808 greekcore greek text deck the halls christmascore smashcore warriorcatcore warrior cats nitrofuranocore tv turricancore sid 6581 56 animal crossing cosmic psycho variety hour mitsuda lick mappy weirdcore accordion natsume mml fod fearofdarkcore keygencore billy walten files k 0:56 kaze wind funk dreamy soniccore opl2 openmpt spoop koto shamisen dkc hubbardcore nullcore blues scale disortion doscore j-fusion electro swing pacman jpeg crusty pixelart gameboy camera hebereke addiction addicti.mod

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famitracker namco mellow sp00ky loopy boss spooky TG16 PCE arpfest lagrange point FOUR!? leady game music VRC7 FM not gm summerschool happy moody solos defectmask kawaii reggae かわいい cute clap Canadia notsquare stillgoodtho landscape detailed animated thumbsup arps candy store rpg defeatistcore ear confusion short ragtime retro-ish spooky_funk pac man eyes gif animated gif twinkle stars cold synthpop AY hardpan :( ending cheerful driving mask of defle deflemask oceanic chill abrupt ending pizza is nice WHAM!TheMusicBox iwantpizza upbeat Corndolences DPCM bass thicc bzzzzz detuned thick snes shred xm mean rock rockin mockup tiny onesamplecore fugue calm fug 4k church-y organ vox ياي thin progressive buildup memorylane 你好 anime letters moon language canon in d transposecore classic loop chinese gator sweeps sweepy 1989? blippy real hard paintcore SNESGSS ice power piano pianocore samples mario tiacore chipswitchin' segaintari dance waveformcore muffled filterCORE instructional 80s fitness 1200bpm doooooooooo illegal pac rock'n'roll pacman 2a03 sid 2xsid sidsid endingless catchy sap reverb pokey atari rad bugfunk jam angrychip knife DIP8 ANGRYCHIP != WIN chipman rox endingcore xmsnes dreamy peaceful creepy greasy sneshead painting concerning uncanny valley woman queen star trending inspired 1 instrument hardpans polyphonic baroque counterpoint painful relaxing 8k.xm synthwave lofi giana sisters mod amiga beat groovy bass meta recursive Spring Track water nice 'stache arm pilosity coast painter owo rain octave bass innocent flowers in pants creepypasta escary folk storytime creepyspaghetti descriptioncore snescore snes-related wobble 4ch 2hu hardpan amigamod italo disco MODstyle mod's the best voice mixing demoscene 0cc-ft DPCM progress chiptune audacity verby cheery mixing chips mixing doritos adventure lyrics medieval literature TIA bouncy Wait. Really? scamcore 12000000th infectious windows anime imported undertale drunk mario children suck fucking children @$$ larry retired beach big nose children. fire power fucking weaboo sneaky blues scale staccato pans obscene panning hard pans sid snare jazzy funky blues jazz & blues melodic dogmatic casio backgroundVGM rainy thunder vgm wavetable FDS TheEnd space tms9918 Colecovision system wars digiart boo Atari battle question night powers signature LOOK OUT FOR THE TRAIN trains fetish lusty canadian bad dragon opening sound design detune SIDWIZISMISM Bruce SidWiz winner lord bruce stinkerb06 face dark circles gostosa Wallace manlady chincore stick figures mono longness cant get enough bodybuilding empowering hack the planet pizza commentcore learning optimistic uplifting demo like stereo bassy epic the end owari castlevania spy game sick leads bro genesis smooth lit af fam hit_it lets_go kick drum Spongebob happy totino's happycore DMG-0w01 fun jumpy touhou title opening theme map background pyramid egypt hello kitty plush vocal point moon 0cc multichip 5b pokemon disco toy keyboard megaman deflemasochism harcore collab c64 variety_hour 6581 meme squad none goldfinger godfather BEARD cool sunglasses MiB classy drinking cenacore martini Atari Man gaster soft unreal fanfare theme rather good aym the tank engine unicode text fancy text Corneria strobecore industrial apology accepted magic mushroom harsh sounding arcade swing bonus game marcb0tcore vibrato zelda 2 pitch fail vibratocore LPC speech percussive tinnitus vocals ultrasound voice 1986 famicom title_screen title screen video game techno trance bemani psy dark rave ambient sfx singing vocaloid tehdy_beh UwU ballad skull death black and white Skeletor juputer alien green skin blue hair 3 eyes conductor 🤘 metal cartoon 🤘Chip=WIN🤘 DalekSam angry meddl loide nicer holocaust nice sache limited colors buzzy vortex tracker fakeout opening uptempo frogger basscore wub artwork chibi 4:20 demostyle 420 80s groove yummy tuning the lick tiatracker arpeggio arp tiatune cmsht qchan nostalgic action noisy quiet tobigox trills sleizsa trio source panning holidays comfy sweet warm sappy stars ralsei jrpg mspaint earthbound earthbound zero mother final fantasy sprites Top Down slap bass rolling old school knaecketraecker 1 google result goattracker buzzer nes atmospheric melancholic nostalgia ym2151 huc6280 tobikocore Zero diabetus twangy love contrasts blue snow winter friends life japan japanese asia trees romantic waifu beep fire drill alarm clock lol reminder banger clubby popcorn imagination story ice prince tension mood swing pengo speedy energy nokiacore nokia cellphone idea phone text phonecore good idea 3210 snake malmen lullaby relax casio sk-1 not a game human poster robot computer gadgets scary smile drama toilet eyes tic-80 soulless bellcore synthy brutal sleep special stage sunshine gentle bop Faulty Magic fluffy meows Full Metal mega man game inspiration hero I want one magical disco very good emotional inspirational nice magic synth balloon 1980's pop exercise montage bright colors sun sunflower heartwarming 向日葵 himawari promise flower clouds above the clouds beepy carefree circus clowns growling noise rhythm quick big clown addictive icecreamtruck airplane mysterious bassline ominous sky buzz bass nice arps vibe sleepless island mood clop clop whinny neigh pony horse soft muzzle gallop equestrian steeplechase hooves western rodeo ride horf country cruising hype! LIGHT SHADOWS dithering multipaint cliff explosion karate 1990's edm retro throwback juice taste sound lemonade sense summer yum racing hype polka fire thoughts disney situation pine tree children fieldtrip campfire forest wiener steveminecraft christmas swingy stroll cracktro Plingie seaside twee pool ship planet ZX Spectrum dither spaceship planets printer newspaper sports comic pocket billiards gambling perspective pencil dudes drawing glasses adventurous dial masterpiece tales noid 56 carnival easter egg spoopy tv childhood years joysticks television rabbit ears antenna multiplayer brown in pants ROOTBEAR bubbles cloud McCastle castle pink purple vaporwave mashup bubble girl katakana princess aesthetic keygen dubmoodcore chipstyle drumz oldschool weak bassdrum menu music discord ringtone flirty 4k.xm boing ball plant scene sad lamentations 1-bit grayscale bath dragon dungeon sword flood duty cycle badmeaninggood z key change lighthearted reprogram Pokey drums jochenhippelcore ub40 dramatic tritone wisdom blips noise bass moving bittersweet nemesis energetic fast bambootracker cool snare MEMES Juno First hardware render robotic anime opening friendly earworm truckdrivers gea wind windy dkr pc-engine mappy cowbell FLOWER POWER >:/ walkman dora joint cracking tobikomicore at2 lovely adlib tracker saccharine LICC funk wow commodorecore support Puke7 quadra mariolike Commodore draw asterix portamento almost the lick city battle theme opll casiocore classical goatracker adlib OPL3 corporate airy SIDish AYstyle good luck sample bubcore horny vgmcore mitsuda lick determined vic20 lully study female sketch sketchy charcoal anatomy stringfest dungeon synth calling minimalistic vrc6 eerie spoops triplets tripleys meow oldskool filter party colourful sunsat sunset colorful ms paint CN palette deflemaask mod2vic growls festive intermission lunch color choices neon calming amazing sexy cool lightning cold colors relaxed choice chests nuclear aym arkos monke arkos tracker sunrise gradient onvasaimer 808 n163 heavy fuck yeah refreshing nana nullcore a2m untz evening mt32 dancefloor DOScore soft upbeat smug comma lady crunchy eurochip house bubbly msx scc scc K051649 freestyle chords DAC voice acid jazz ym2612 very cool racing game powerglove vocoder song Chipspeech 80's heroic superman Gameboy ym2610 downtempo electro advertisement space kid vast weeb ym2610b opnb-b dancin' disco bass opl ym3526 spandex touhirby Goat Tracker goemon furnace Atari Pokey x2 swagger vortex tracker i .ay pump up the jam italo pumped! getting fit dancing spinning jesus ​​​christ ​​fucking yeehaw MT-32 we made it acoustic midi experimental opz ym2414 stealthy y8950 Think break acid house acid bullet bill swing beat stanky disclaimer Hi-NRG spaceharrier opnb get ready octave bassline lynx pleasant 1980 syncopation Hi NRG smaf new jack swing lounge weather channel weather 🙉 bright layering boss fight eurobeat more cowbell! SoR 3 RPG battle sor indie pop SegaPCM MSX applause jazz has 1 kudos jazz++ j-fusion jazz soulful streets of rage chilled fm bar ninja opm c140 riddim zany silly rmt RASTER 90s triumphant Dn-FamiTracker F*CK censorcore mature singable msm6295 fm funk underground funk fresh brass whip icy unexpected end long vvvvvv msx-music msxplay mml gameboycore cover monaural sleepy chippy samplepack wakkawakka remix mania logo e621core puke rocknroll fish fishman sparkles final boss waltz chatchy rap haste hurry up polkka monument jingle simple Casio VL-1 minigame perfect 24 grumpy synths rulebreaker remove kebab spongebob deviantartcore ew disgusting small snes arcade woods vocal mixing yellow red sonic speed loud glitch distortion china tune froggy disappointment waveforms small tune art surprise wowzers cat generic pegmodecore confession immortal croc rip noise beginner style n00b faster nintendo switch controller tasty final fight choir roboter electric town toy teh penalty ;-; speech synthesis elevator music SQUONK ASCII codes hexadecimal hex osamu tezuka minor ostinato victory pokemon credits ending theme bonus room holiday VBA clock Stopwatch not pandavovacor yoshi 🍕 PRAISE ZA! latist penaltycore snowy praying galaxy hairy man SIDstyle Adventure Awaits shoot something good ending playful megadrive cutecore chip botbrcore skyscraper Scientology Gradius Kletuscore cat girl Technosoft PRANK bear collage Sagu Sagu Exodus concept art space nukes color-coded pirates cape portrait bust the cute? fm piano noice time signatures delightful sidescroller pastiche cow screech vapourwave kixel TR-808 savage unfinished shadow ink super saiyan tanuki midboss miniboss mythology cloud floating tobicore cuphead wink galgoxcore thick outline atmoshperic botbcore pppcore silhouette anthropomorfic full moon illustration blue green motorcycle badass von koopa hair bluecore vintage fm shmup ;D bomb incomplete foggy babycore Mariocore nature rounded shapes lonely shading astronomical mean student colorcore destruction drum machine percussion delay :^) autumn weddingcore greencore green moskau hardbass desert sign dkc 3 colors HARD beast loose pants amen break breaks naw living tree stage select level select kirbycore PUNCH Screen Crack smirk bunny bossa nova wolf oldschool shmup tightrope aero the acrobat mp3 happy stroll beatbox saw