mr ears dies in an airplane crash because the guitar was out of tune chipstyle bad title momma is proud daveservice commacore tuxxy brown wannabedefeatist m7 chords pentatonic trollpans post-svetcore hardpans skinnyhead2000 semi-nullcore cross-rhythms jazz fusion chordcore epic_caterwinnar amigapans swingy SUCK hyperspeed gothloli attack 1-7-5 heaven pokemans frantic danooct1 humpty dumpty loopy accelerando 80s triangle tuner synthpop fodcore onestop.mid jigglypuff never gonna give you up KungFuFurby feminism computer science OpenKUK see u mkstar26 do you even jake kaufman lucy lawless nugget blueballed censored hulk hogan m9mcore ttj does it agai azura corridors moe kawaii cute noooo chipart cmsht kfaradaycore truck driving rip aji raph S91 ~~~~~[^_^]~~~~~ plustek 70s game music homosexual crabbandicoot goldfinger ewwwwwwwwwwwwwww egocore world famous lavender town [CENSORED] all 0s faycun lewd good title your cow friendlytagscore selfcore #ifdef Intero わ TOUGH brokeback mountain skrillex scientology sociology