
Level 25 Chipist   
Tags Given

good keygen rpg multichip doom no coffee for u mp3 to midi hydrated I am now deaf bouncy shiny c64 3d pac man eyes snes goosecore chill simple anime letters descriptioncore crt midi vic20 canon in c 7/something goodbye left ear mom's spaghetti malmencore hax hole in the wall fitting title try the window defeatistcore ya like jazz? wow calm down bread world famous RADICAL sap 80s reverb pokey atari psg dat bass genesis sega petscii 70s codist too good best glitches != win c hip wil d hello world arps arp needs leads sidsidsid heck yeah stanky maymayz danky maymayz animated effort high fanta sea goatse epic f u coby groovy wub mspaint mspaintcore paintcore cancore winner lofi not metal eerie bells sp00ky spoopy pennis red dick howeven sociopathy illegal muffled clap clap 90s rad tubular radular synthy fellatiocore sack mai deeck mouf short clubby xasercore vocals vox funky juicy wip funkeh funk leady swing leads slick breakbeat happy NES happycore FFVI HOO BOY orchestral orchestra klystrack SIDstyle atmospheric cold brrr longcatislong long 10:22 rising sun total japan japan vevocore th4 D34D = WIN 4:20 djent DUH-jent memes ski free skifree skreefy it2nsf2ftm2gbmc2 vrc7 wubstep tim alien & KNUCKLES aji's avatarcore poekmanz WAAAGH!!! G rox evil TRAINS FETISH rip vocal cords oldschoolmetal 666bpm fontcore ℋ𝔢𝔩𝔩 something deep purple metal rock classical metal opera queen fun dee de dee dee dee a durrn dickadow doodicka scat scatman scat metal stoner Wikipedia catcore segametal FM deflemask vgm ym2151 buzzy electronicmetal electronic nice timing whammyglitch hifi prog progmetal progressive toolcore vroomvroom 7 all 7s skull trumpet retro HOOAH action CZ-5000 liveplay raw sunvox guitar strings amk mml of doom fodcore kfaraday RAVE 1-bit samples sampletracker ay micromusic taggistcore April 1st dance snesmod E1M1 E for Effort n00bizm Minimalistic SNES palette tiny low_rez creepy greasy sneshead weeb weeaboo jutsin beber ass annie may grohl 0perator Incredible steampunk morse code ctrl+v trees holy flip \/ /\ is it from kfc c700 danger dissonant spooky strobecore pancore strobelike shootthesauce efx clicky sleepycore openmpt dreamy xmsnes calm pixitracker Yoshi block chords labyrinthine best_title promising final fantasy really? faux modulation F A K E game boy bios Furbycore leads! tagcore mpt is better yes it is actual music magic cave story peecore URINATION 3spooky5me spoop sp00p sp00k demoscene meta BiB aesthetic creepypasta variety_hour weed lit sonic trippy smooth slow cute rpgcore bretty simphony kawaii desu kawei kawei desoup koreaboo razeregg razerek karate thunder thighs what is dis moot sunsoft 5B 5B 5B only forest cyoa gameboy pokemon m9mcore moot is great mootstradamus percussive meaningscore BIG BOY master system sms triangle ALLCAPS LOUD xrns2xm2it2spc ADVANCECOMMUNISM lyrics 🅱️ 🅱️ot🅱️ 20/20 STPRRAICNKGSVI polyphonic thick bullshit fallacy shocking poob vaporwave lsd dream emulat ntrq jazz edm octosnes true arps bee movie BEE BEE BEE BEE major puns none lsd beepbox Wait. Really? turn into format beepy titlecore ALLCAPSCORE real bytebeat pigdevilcore peniscore anime letter U alot banger midistep miditrap XD vaportrap fake music actual_music IS AN OCTAGON A STOP SIGN dewritos the return linkcore graysclae MY EARS cpu killer quiet rain not waltz waltz? viewers like you filtercore sincxore gold oink tracker pop the real winner gymmandychan overclocked incomplete loopy onlinesequencer dissonance oh yeah mr krabs modular chipstyle snare sawtooth saw square pwm tech demo soundtrack concept arpfest stock chords vignettes needs more water accelerando polyrhythms sci-fi scifi deer 13TET microtonal detune piano AY lmao horg borg summer chip xii collabdong 21/21 germination scamcore friendcore papyrus nyeh heh heh polka SQUIRRELS A E S T H E T I E L E V A T O R moogbooxle acid goose quack stereo shoegaze minimal cumulative bends pitchbend gaze synthwave giana sisters pantscore loop dat bass tho bassline 3/4 deceptive dog doggo U weeb gL1tc#y 4F glitch triphop renoise noice nsf2midi speedy touhou touhou title 2hu storytime youhou title vrc6 2a03 good hertz ripof canadacore [[[angery]]] fl studio byoutiful beautiful 5/8 no velocity perfect 24 perfect 25 nullcore 8k breakbeat 8k amiga amigamod chords hardpan mod top bun top kek egg story eggman grasstown eggtown caev_story no habla español mutant bass snoop dogg blaze it sample core uhhhhhh endingless waltz snow might be snow uh audacity authentic ditty low tech bandlab sms messenger perfect 20 kawaii actual winner google translate high tech samsung ry deviantartcore perfect 35 raycasting win by default perfect 34.150 remove kebab team anime all american drunkore undertale supersaw drone dab honk geese cool_story_bro dectalk snek amazing you're helcome hardpanned wacky git gud 🤔 joymask "quick" rip tobikomi djmaximumcore not square s t e r e o typo bass 22/22 all star earthbound shrek SidWizismism bual acceptable 420 8bit poop crap follincore whistle motif sick leads bro moody lit af fam computer first entry frozen frosted LOL pleasant text modbox it snice HRT lizard lets_go hit_it chichard d fames darkside meme dpcm mischievous 3 self-collab pretty mellow chip neutrality paywall relaxing pure sms Jackals GRAND DAD the licc jazz piano lick cis gender male perfect 30 bruh uwu nokia nokiacore 0th all 0s no points perfect zero this is by strob cool wrong number antigalgoxcore not happy botbrcore channelg noise dithercore storytelling yes yse

Tags Received

octivi loopy Snowman winter tiny cdcdcd cartoon arps 1-bit blippy potato bonk rolling balls game bass happy chugs noisy PWU bugs memecore shrek bigbad detuned crunchy #narcissist short n o mspaint very ugly grass 5 bestfont parkcore flowey all 5s MS Paint-ish two fonts tree undertale spaghetti forghetti reghretti thin memes again naps warm BotB paint-ish WOAAA Pac-Man font ms paint :U grid :T noisey fm Fuck Processing macarena not funk metroid amidi ow loud beepy low_rez simplistic SCG ear rape memelovania dance famitracker MAGA trangle cute thick bual secret secret clickX collab broken logo waveforms desaturated umlautcore retro-ish ä snow hand drawn deflemask defectmask moody time rock 80s accurate name AY lmao buzzy YM2149 hardpan bouncey bouncy ym ym6 bossa nova Meowio meowcore cat catcore meow Huby hubba hubba Hu shrill xm chill simple snesmod slap up linkcore fun heavy \.-./ slow SID toms PWMy percussion clubby echo mono lead beat snowflake faux snake * bright knaecketraecker hard to spell Fami×Defle octave bass best bass wild groovy poster comic mogemens pixel megumins story multitoolcore fast Beep sunvox pc speaker 2xfami Boop GIMP IC PCB electronics soundchip DOOM E1M1 ooooOOOOOOOOoooo No Remorse No Regrets sawtooth dreamy moving isometric layers percussive lawn mower octave techno hello haste My Ears!! voice sample gunshot 7.74k I like synth toms lofi I see wt u did t basscore funky 80's Drum Roll 8k.it Shocking beepola pretty cool synthy nostalgia arpfest iunno underwater sidstyle snibaby leady BiB piano keys B♀B shade anamanaguchi fastboi JABEEBUS ntrq titlecore synth Yamaha PSR-32 penoise mellow YM2151 collabdong quorblecore jsoncore beepbox boss turn into format all chipists plain text text os platformer game maker buggy spike clipping all american speedrun tech square wave chords anime letters aliased fullwidth motorway braille synthwave cover city skyline calm and long game over calm muddy methodical .gif tv animated small a e s t h e t i b waves grey tones caev_stroy zelda opening hip hop SidWizismism shor pantcore meme Quirby24 it vocals o-okay winning what rap pant rap lol favorited have a nice day earthbound brevitycore cactus desert nostalgic jazzy catchy nsf pop Phaser1 bleepy guitar liveplay tascam audacity trees hut nes bootleg microtonal vrc6 soundtrack vgm italiancore bassy tiatracker detune crazy come back blob river speedy jumpy tension qchan relaxing aesthetic sad depression :( sad mario beats to study r lo-fi whistle motif gymnopediecore satiecore bitcrunch vocal mixing lyrics descriptioncore punk weeny poppy alternative positive good vibes complaining intro feel good very good ambient pleasant nature sunshine dew 8 Bit F pencil poetic sketch speech bubble hop atmospheric Wario Land GB dinky cruising cheerful upbeat chipstyle band shoop acoustic soft pants shoegaze portal driving sneventracker Sega vocal bruh strummy ethereal wave indie pop midwest emo munch.py electropop emotional 8bcore noisecore cozy must dance arpcore cheery folk warmness relatable acoustic guitar patterns nylon guitar nokia silly earthshaking what. pocket protector wide stance roadblasters notkeyboardcat panic elemental title voice mixing adventurous zx spectrum load beeper angry score results windows xp chippy tinnitus FTM overclocked mysterious bonus room bonus game 16/35 vaporwave trianglecore battle theme evil rain singing descending kazoo spiderman 3/4 cover circle 14/4 rushed bad quality speaking jingle racing game memes melody adventure sweep intermission kawei anime kawaii 420 weed ^-^ action 43/8 boss battle cave perfect 25 cheater pitch slides slides late night sleepless guitars pulse google translate real bytebeat glitch fart text2speech badass solo sparkles repetitive disco 90s filters skateboard sun sunglasses rad pixel logo snowy cold reggae jazz otamatone electric laptopcore sidwiz art kill me friend monster rythm shitpostcore kixel castle vocal percussion relax chillout layering noise sfx boh shovel dig illegal good the best song COMEDY captioned crayon handdrawn architecture paper mario road 5/4 mp3 kitchen level select super meat boy claves clave walking bass overdrive caption hax vacation garage voice soup actual beats compilation