post #185841 ::
2024.02.27 2:46pm :: edit 2024.02.27 9:21pm Raiku and Surfcroc liēkd this
hey hey hey nice first entry!!
make sure you jump into the chat during votes, so you can talk with the other players about the entries! IRC and Discord are both options, there's a web interface for both if you don't feel like installing things... at least swing by during voting / results to gossip about all the tracks. we like to have fun.
(also leave your user name out of the submitted file, submission are supposed to be anonymous until final votes are tallied 😅 - it's okay everybody messes that up their first time)
PS - also! and this is optional - most battles allow you to upload a 'rendered' version of your entry - so even though officially your entry is in native nsf format, you can still upload an mp3 version of it afterwards, just to make it a little easier for people to listen to! Just check back in on your entry page, and notice the 'upload' button.
Waaah ill make sure to leave my user-name out for next time, and will be uploading an mp3 for my submission.. Thank you so much for letting me know! <3