Galak Sea

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I AM XASER Chiptune sunvox milkytracker arpeggiomania Darkness commentGlitch argentinaChip realInstruments experimental lyrics Aseprite classical metal opera high fanta sea funky leady damn you fod funk show mercy intricate leads! Incredible pokemon strobecore snes-related bread.gif steampunk 5th grade ear-rapish space stew me somethin vive la france alrightcore decentcore dogcore atmospheric riding a yoshi not waltz lofi fake mptm birdy orchestra quorblecore 65436 peniscore sincxcore 111111111 españa descriptioncore merkelcore don't slip run forest run deflemask 🅱️ filmesque ntrq moonvox the beatles surprise counterpoint medieval rose there's a flute not a fugue polar bears pant lab first milky pads turn into format imported 7 not eww springy sawy seasick beepy harpsichord pig party pigcore piggy orgy lazy [[[angery]]] ghost fl studio gL1tc#y 4F aria m9m order in chaos DK stewcore clock drumy D&D fun ost defeatistcore turrican racing car all we get burritos nodescriptioncor fresh español cojones aprende hypnotoad samplecore allons enfants short circuscore circus no velocity bowlcore loopy anime moogbooxle rgby goosecore tree learning hopeless romanti triangle bass qualitycore facecore sadcore third reich phase minimalist waltz switzerland tense fuck avatarcore yeeeeeaaaaaaooou punishment russia keygen beepbox luxraycore too many loopycore mutant bass friendcore adnvance cosmos ADVANCECOMMUNISM progress microtonal cold not vivaldi zzzzzz post-kefcore weed panning chopincore debussycore sonic phD creepyspaghetti luigi won creepy islets mew innocent computer generat laplace transfor dungeon actual 90's rock 5B arpeggios song midi slap bass 🐄 echo unreal superhero touhou zelda tfm ornaments quiet rain canadacore photo stabby murder speedcore ninjacore street art studio amen panda sucks funute doesn't razerek? funky egg Hitoshi Sakimoto lawl not anime arps hell yes mod's the best cheery mixing chips mixing doritos bam bam bam deadcore messy mod m9mcore melancolie chord progressio exorcism reason minerscalecore not sad meow? vomitorium tropical meowcore radical quiet lead NERDS NERDCORE 2012 autofavorite méjico windows low lead bad tenisers it's a trap! thingiverse unextended snibaby happysadcore MPT DOESNT RUN O mpt is awful milky is good milky is great no it isn't tagcore OpenMPT SUCKZZZ chromaticore i'm deaf now thank you was it on purpos yep deafcore hello longcore enclosurecore shortpants 0:36 eggman pxtone arm pilosity troll minimal shooting star glitch 7049 spoopy renoise soundscape sunrise clean triangles china welcome cpu killer rpg cute tobikomicore hiroshima nagazaki japancore liveplay pencil TITLECORE shut up effort sorcery actual music keffchords I see wt u did t alarmcore alarm penetration mario random chiptune moon is cheese kirbycore cow forest the matrix vip F# minor B major E minor barefoot noooo chipart F major C major A minor 7 - 1 bro Eb dorian Db major C minor G minor reverb longcatislong D minor Eb major britain words birds Bb major bad dog indian A major D major ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ matrix C# minor G# minor vivaldi bread A new record! jazzy milkytracker! [ZENITH.XM] C# major armored machine fodcore beautiful bronze equinox out of tune john cage haAAA - PUSH anticipationcore chickencore submit allgear real done in time mystery dungeon