Baron Knoxburry

Level 30 Mixist   
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synthetic loop drumz percussion clicks pops series 8bit sound fx organic oneshot mechanicals appliances strings snares kicks woodwinds ambiance keys voices ethnic pads circuit bends bass cymbals vehicles hybrid animals dark ambient dub dank megahyper trash breaks vic20 nightmare n00b dork drum'n'glitch pir8 eastern bloc quiet square bossa nova glitch squiggly dirty prog metal woosh! banging grind drive blippy electro breathy pad india vocals chanting drums beat drum and bass screamy boom kick neurotic auto tune poopface crunk ukulele down beat drill'n'bass acid downbeat hop drum n bass raggae botb silly manson voice flippy sweet sick mud breakcore speed bullets chip spooky dork crap synth madness loopin clarinet woodwind melodica flute salsa noob anthem disco gritty downbreak chibi spy cute break it insanity boy squeek fun bounce hard ataricore happy pirate thrash amen boo-ya cruise crazy squirly squirrels biznuss modal shmup goofballs drunk flarped dos batch pong nuclear chill dubstep idm waltz nsfPLUS dope killa dirt funk nasty light jazz midi crap piano dank midi snappy folksy booty r&b poop groove channel F U wall of chip 8k happy grime harsh ouch random happy dirt melancholy to battle! sid detroit ass and titties crotch worble brain tweaked glory conquest nsf mad bleeps sad dubbish cutscene 15/8 flavor midi smooth awesome exciting lsdj viking epic scratchy piano improv steppy dnb lazer bass ninja puke bossa dingle trance clave xaimus jungle guitar bit mashed lol spaz singing strobe pork lyrics robot pop adon casio cheap teh sex core catpain slawesome heavy serious c64 arps dog growl laugh whales freaky peppy horns so bad so good ha ha hell yeah kwame funny lulz autotune hell electro grind top 40 majik clicky bad very bad phat dumb swinging shuffle hooky :D dizzy cymbal scrape rhodes quack ducks quackcore rox groovy mosquito buzz recockulous afrobeat original engine live trippy .it filters mariopaint epic dingle shred sex fm stank sparkle farts wafflecore strobetech poops krunchy fart fart industrial trauma dungeon scary unfriendly arpfest tweak wonk pretty phased leads pollytracker synthy boop beep zap zip lazers funky rock floating fakebit cruisin wank waves capcom cheese horror unce loz 64 ibiza 18core ds-10 spc snes classic arptastic sleigh bells xmas lsdj samples stumbly oddjob woah squirty glitch-hop beehive warblegarble 3/4 farts prancing :3 cats vgm hardstep doggy drugz jammin beard uiish beatbox yayaya metal arps melody roiner jerk punk liveplay dreamy ratchet organ :P face uicore phonecore bells cards commerical harpsichord bassline baby acoustic 303 lead overmitten beardcore beatnick good beat tight poem bubbles breaks phazers hairlip pixels shades thumbs up null weiner grime swing jazz chordy hot sun fire burn wonky tits supple oink pigs intentional stereo jazzy pinano drill and bass amen snafu disqualified hax lamer vrc6 gravy stroberrious nutter futter gangsta gruntstep ill mega supreme wonk ass beats trunce chuntery mellow lollerskates puke cannibas rap battle rap vox chant chamber gregorian balls wobble wub wub wub animated blue hawt cold argue poignant perfect rasta <3 xmas pants eye rape gif magic amen break boobs defeat bundle of sticks dummy too short try harder you suck down tempo raunchy fishsticks passion lurv gothic desert haunting cool iceberg arpcore 16bit arps wild 5/4 castlevania runny vertigo copybreak bowwow ROOF dooowip telly blues dong colors splatter grunge clown horn waffles take off mario kartcore coop kartcore arpy medusa classic nes nescore regulate thuggin' too many notes jarz vangelis drunkore slidey warble stolen uncredited C# C 15/8 5/4 G Swearengen blade runner subterraneans palm muted bass trolololo genuine genie feedback wtf dogcore yesh avant garde contemporary ambiant ghettotech terror owns stoner sludge satan bungle stan lee fuguecore fuguerave sax squad saxamaphone pitch bent sax megasax saxcore sax sax attrition bleepy rave club harmonic noise blow serious poop gro solid chops dadcore valid tag loud 80's drama dogsichord atmospheric mariopants cat meow 200 pants burnt sexy oh girl yummy flesh detune churn chirp sexy chords leady C00 end this comic bad botbrs duk soz choir airy artsy fartsy cyriak squarez regal jangler not 4 longcatislong big short wai storb voiceofanangel radiophonic wendy carlos delia derbyshire butt slaps special bangin butt penis swack keygen description lies troll drool marfin flarper dialog fap coccyx donload flarp fap head hard pan fail soft pan golgi golgi's gonna di nads dingletech monotron delay monotron duo sexist canadian tia pukestep OH NO STFU GOLUIGI slap ass fuck california golgicore broken record fapcore angel of death slayer doom rasta baller river dance santa claus harmony wacky hit single spazz lollipops intense jam rage hæit vocoder gigglecore laughs evil hypnotic loopy thump gabber fiesta aana keffiecore white zombie more human than skrillex edm wub jogging montage aerobics cow on drugs jx-3p new jack swing rockin rushjet strong strength woman cornputer mom rat rat wow Smokin mumble step mumbles mumblecore ambiental springy shit in pants boss battle holy guacamole space horror spectral tageriffic tagless trap lofi krunk song kickass juno taking the piss T_T ;__; gas western vortex black hole bread beatles androgynous circus moot wtfland piece of shit um AAAAAAAHHHH pwm pwn vibtrato punk super swagger delay lama footsteps fingertips slick cis gender male spank speakjet banjo country turkey deep fry dorp droptease drops numpad sheep modular diablo mandolin drugstep psychadelic love menancing ominous kazoo giraffe naughty noir very FM tim follin follin siren wub wub wubs pure imagination thanksgiving sweepy harp final fantasy drunk clown clown trompy trompcore breakfast tea thrashy dustep chords insane snowflakes good oh my ninja arcade panning groove battle rpg stompy havyng tromp tromp trom beach aphex twin wobbly damn growly creepy polka 1985 click bass milky bluegrass truckin boo beep tempo changes coin grungey variety variety.gif alert ding gimmick descriptioncore star wars jangy socioyeahthy yeah yeahcore djent METAL!!! insidious fight on! blast processing waltzing not 3/4 banger clubshit monster shreds massive huge vapor vaporwave DeepBass boom don doko doko shrugs <3 dancehall in yo face speedy lord of the pant lord of the danc 6 irish jig BWAHAHAHA squeaky creaky sfx hump rhythm sprong gif gameboy panda thanks puke airhorn reggae jerry goldsmith alan silvestri movie film music ost swingy jizzy 007 dya commodore pet probability bagpipes thick lush simcity 2000 chunter stomp blast beats splat eggsplosion yolk egg humpty dumpty illuminati fork 808 727 cowbell nu disco happy hardcore champion I WILL adlib adorable drumpf low_rez icons 9/4 moody tension megadeth actual metal crunchy space HARDPAN PRO 1337 actually a map kulcore jizz rockstar korg tricky animaniguccicore syncopation wow calm down watercore ko0x variety_hour ketchu p egypt pyramid my pants felloff tarzan goatse spread_em hhhh greg DIP24 synthwave sack mai deeck out run juicy xasercore clap clap crunch_crunch classical sluts distorted titlecore wesley willis gong dong show porg dinglecore gong show poop show toolcore dickadow doodicka dee dee a durrn 4:20 sweep picking fu DUH-jent something drunk mario children suck Wallace best solo 420 doge gag joke shit 8bit poop crap biebercore in town pun punny visual pun is this chiptune sumerian brick teeth ice sociopathy 7/4 7/something atmosphere slaps worms cran attack slap chop existential cris barbarian barbariancore wizard ranger warrior pixel wyvern dragon forrest night hick basscore mighty bass slap active pickups active bass dungeon synth mystical mechamozart mecha mozart calm is a g pineapple apple pen parrappa orch beholder follincore sconecore incongruous crispy navi frustration isometric stumbles stumbling barber beats barberbeats BOOOM fokyis darkwave sawcore metal af nes 2a03 hoover oh shit

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8k winter chip short idmchip breaks drum and bass nsf buildup fire asia hip-hop sid 3xtheme chip Water ants weird bouncy zelda final boss boss battle gameboy jazzy glitch mp3 tincan blippy triplets 24k xm trippy arabic glitchy augmented intro commodore vt conga vic20 swing 12k it spooky DnB adlib downtempo jumpy hardware render turkish/balkan folk happy restless module timings vgm commodore 64 metal polly tracker heroic hip hop dragonfucked descriptioncore squirrel tension battle threatening crazy sms sega master syst meters cute victracker fuck yeah <3 groovy lonely stroll speedy hyperactive baron knoxburry 8k.xm zanzan wildcard vocals moody midi ztracker percussive beat botb in space vocal mixing bass dub beardcore goat tracker C64 renoise abstract Penoise NES NTRQ mmaj7 1pattern tin can grand slam ZX spectrum Beeper Speaker teh funage bumpy dunks 1-bit bbsong punchy loopy jelly bowl optimize prime beards post-jazz futuretronica 32k lofi tia bin ticktockticktick effort vintage beardie squiggle note 8kb amazing afrobeat vic-master dramatic mashed_beard variety_hour dreamy fat chords dinglecore PCE HES mml HuSic anticipation 🎉 piano beardfunk fairy mangoes 2ass03 retro-ish drummer wankery drone crunchy bytebeat afro_databeat mario music dirty_beard borked LSDJ afro_hat BKnox mellow chill beepy orchestra hits! bundle of sticks boobs defeatistcore AY goldcan cancore FAST thrash liveplay shred stumblebeats shimmery staccato a pile of leaves dorian vibes dinglectro pulse wave BaronSunvoxburry stumblebeat dingletech fibonaccicore domdim pfhfhfhah mysterious brassy proggy pigs oink snesmod tense diminished SNES bassy creepy la mulana yoshi's island noble gas xenon nightmares scary jeez napalm death zappa napalm black midi toy tanks on a acmfancore gnome grindcore data input methods noise codecore sweepy minimalism methods james bond transcendental arcade fire Congradulationz hax codist noisecore arpfest pun beats jacocore arpz loud explosions BOOM angry smlurlm tincancore ninja can suspense you got it! ^o^ you got it ^o^ n00bt00n modern erectile dysfunc puns botb self-referential holy justice the living tribu the callout silly uh! pass go collect 200 boon goofy anime avatars booncore monkai chatty nsfw noob-o- tron eurorack ANALogue DiscussionCore kay talking synth wank major hardpans i lost my boner slow beatz turkeycore Drill n Baste ORCH5 Grill n Baste Baron Knoxturkey psychedelic urinecore rox dissonance nirvana randy marsh raw post sludge krunkin' drunkore pukestep Famitracker DPCM xaimus S too short intro thin riddim square amubuhduh amen break relaxationmusic all7score glitchcore breakcore sweet shit try all the dick gentle end oh my oh jeez breakcock gearslut synthy two kids married to renoise uglycatcore goldfinger goldfinger 64 bassline The Glove computer cornputer porncuter crazy bus dog ded panda wow Starty full well ok WAAAIIIIIAAAOOOW dank_phonemes ITSA ME delay lama overdrive guitar sitar chords war plinky golgi operatus orchestral perfect timing mod2vic out there mang YeeHaw leady drunken chelita spurcore da n00b waltzing b3ng4rs b3ang4rs bangers bang bang banger bad assbangers asper boons dank dark bee-snakes flute balls alien lizard people ambient MAGA ninja bassoon BAE 24fps HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO action bus ninja 2001 set phsrs 2 kil wave-ish vwoooom goattracker SIDwagon atmospheric delicious chips! vicious ALL N00Bz noodles jam session prog grind? poop core porn robot metallic hoot deafcore noisy chaos emeralds fm deflemask calm pads mystic scene setting backstory experimental 4:20 casiocore gg crunkcore rhythmcore brevityfailure rulebreaking rulebreakdancing verby tropical hit me hitty 420 wafflecore stereo RAVE forgotten collab sweet photography epic troll haha lol meme winter shit 13 8bit poop crap scatologist stain xmas log shit turd shit out of pant blasphemy male genitalia idm dinglebob skull flames playscii FEAR classical instant classic contemporary bumblebee ominous sfx funky sawcore bees masterpiece 3spooky5me boss demo plumber cursed mario running not a game not_game diatonic af chromatic musings menace zandium flarpus drums autobreakcore jazz desert sunset cactus night evening dusk stars contrast defrag duck nightmare 1990's feather wings trending dance duckling psychadelic drugs colors animated color bars long rasterbars simple acid stuck note dungeon spacey 80s eerie knaecketraecker stompy frustrationcore °_° landscape giant mountain moster lake stars snow trees electronic clap fun heavy gassy odd talky tetcore microtonal nescore grongeh thick tech rouge baggagecore rubberduckycore sweet beats regular show synth sold iconcore icons upbeat marquee waffle 8bcore loop gothy rusty post punk lyrics comedy honk sax bamboo tracker sad shucks shoegaze mummypants spoopy modulation voice mixing wild breakbeat fromage keep bit up motivational vavcore dingular chaos drama brain meets butt brainmelt twangy braincore popular chippy basscore vrc7 goof wonky drunk stoney uke7 ukelele ukulele lua magic generated wonderful charming dread-inducing pattern danmaku gun-nick space nightmare-materi drums only woodwinds acid bass stealthy titlecore industrial ghost dingle santa hat photo santa jiangshi accurate LoBlast bleepler ​​placement ​product christmas lights otherworldly random mashing sabre wulf rhythmical groove baby-k first ohc speedcore ohb yi kirby racing arp leads wind breeze sea bitch stragnette intense dpcmcore ho ho ho humbug bang cowboy cyriak arps detune tri town small basswank downbeat buzz horror vox adventure wobble s3xmodit the best catchy I LIKE IT! vibes mario paint zst shocking one pattern troll entry >:( what the actuals bungle monkeys monkey hap hop dingle_beatz clown clowncore scratch burps percussion nostalgia 100 tinnitus 7/8 pr0n sex samurai growl gong distortion melancholic bleepy storytelling beach screechy just cool trianglecore fight theme vibratocore adventurous unsettling variation egyptian C D E F A# have a tag panda animals battle theme 2ch limitations limited rock pixel frogs guard Fight! naked phrygian ascii break time music video smash vrc6 beard Folk Music? pijackibełkot najebanaaledama alcon brudas null1024 sunglasses allgear klinkore fanfare birthday 1000 beards hetfield TRUE THE TRUTH surround sound reggaeton chordguy MMC5 romantic princess foot on bass Swearengen 15_8 tickle prod pringle tiny shorts thick bucket thumpa dugs surround cruise Michael McDonald horse face Heosphoros tool rallying packs please AY intro aye wub .sho soundtrack MEGADINGUS EEE futuristic multisong taste the rainbo classic falco swedish horse o' beats horse meowcore strobecore caveman cheese html listen in mono magical bright snow juno-6 blade runner song turnt 11-8 time yummie gotham swag l0l ....... weed squid extended yt vid win perfect 35 game is done DEAL WITH IT vaporwave chordcore mathcore hey perfect 30 huge great lyrics oldschool rap big dog TR-808 REAL hip hop hungry dance vintage-ish clarinetty educational acoustic garage beck pizza club 🍕 PRAISE ZA! wholetone scratchy doo doo doo chattering bogdan penis triangles glitch hop hell heat froggit frog grumpy Godly lyrics snowy old movie snare drum male voice choir beatbox changes seasons popcorn organs church filter/resonance filter grime 56 scalable modular jungle Odd Time 17/16 reverb lava madness earthbound knoxcore spore tribal stage time signatures electric go dammit asmr dammit icy harp jrpg clowns cowbell cow moo reverbcore 5/4 13/8 nuts colorful moog sephiroth pumpkin juggling warm trauma housing rants Kirbycore pitchslidecore kleedercore toilet zen cleaning odd meter blurry shapes crazy breakage herniacore lydian drumwank bluesy :^) bongos Ridonculirated medusa Detroit VI robotino BLT_w/no_L variety hour Ann Arbor IX returnofKnox drumz variety radar_dingle UFOcore progbreak hed-c0ld amenwash aggressive fart bass crystalline mixing bestlyric2012 beep boop wubhelm counter cosby down to earth obscenitycore shitstormcore bassoon_beatz stroboe nads BBQ PANTS beep beep kyuu beef beef 303 808 cymz crisp 8bit chipstyle blender smoothie oneshot tremolo strings pad ethnic synths synthetic clicks pops test bells chord burping voice speech kit metals whirr bent stutter glitvhy reggae drum loop percs pedal tone singing katie chewy howl sub bass drops n00bs all noobs timbal clash tom hit hat snare kick claps laugh food spoiled dislike forget electric bass phat angry snare undistorted music box cigar box pen picking dirty vintage filters filtercore lazerz