speedcore? circlefap fractals math prediction defeatistcore anime letters 超逆再生 bitpack recycle source pls actual music fm synthesis warez analog variety hour adventures of fo 90s wow megalasers cornputer porncuter showing off PRODUCTION VALUE french french? Jimmybeat power ikea naming weird solar eclipse lacist columns dirty androids vocaloid bad title kefcore super hexagon mosaic negative should have lost variety_hour kk slider y r u xsplit kick snare should have won why did this win namco8ch ethereal jimmy weckl why cmsht Ryu☆ caramelldansen azuracore not jimmyoshi illegal amigamod 1P Azu 2P Jimm -character limi mad with power eat the chort morse wooooow pan floot 0 - mother Sinc-X winning YTPMV lonely stroll icecreamcore ヽ( ゚ ワ 。 metadata n00b I Am Dumb-zu-ra jesus christ panties 0 - should you even be surprised? w 0 - totally not castlevania new found glory animated dither hell dithermaniaIIDX fuck sand acronym tag convos 少女の笑顔 sincx stahp spanish hamburg not earrape earrape jazz jizz not orchestral newgrounds_2005 making software morse code no shits given winterxichip ceci n'est pas descriptioncore PCB I like trains myspace fez earthbound touhou new azuracore liisten evnsieesdtouie overjoy ★★4 bytebgat mischief makers perfect 30 discount mother touhirby jimmyfuckinbeat beautiful lo-fi piano gabber midi carpal tunnel 2hu idle game DOS sgen scientology meme! playtested angst 24fps copypasta laser bugs shmup RPG Maker fuck frameworks castlevania!!! chinese drum'n'bass dithering titlecore classical burrito galaxy victracker variable framer8 magnetic enemies full-width text DONKEY apology canadian nintendo hard all american all chipists buggy spike clipping speedrun tech cool_story_bro FM Maniax perfect 35 bra cheese belly button boobs c64 blueballed rulebreaking GRAND DAD religious wii shop channel (!) (E) (J) final fantasy furry nanachicore asshole drunkard battlestation battlestation 1 (!) final fantasy 7 playstation butt nba on tnt usability 2 usability djmaximumcore ptsd
mellow goodass midi alarm cock! midi brettygud anime slick smooth short castlevania 16kb premature tension adventurous vgm dungeon too short visual novel Anime Letters eroge japants happy :') dusthillguy I Am Dumb-zu-ra cmsht sohappy journey clannad morse code 🎉 blippy <3 beauty sweet computer leady someone set us up the pants xD lemmings speedy pop punk March Madness race loopy wow yume pinano WTAF Telefang wooop thick FCPico waltz Smooth rock Smoothy Satrock brillos great Milky MiIky cute cheater FunkyFishApprove J-core clubby drum&bass kerathumbs low_rez fuck sand カタカナ shitpuritans 808 cowbell midi delay 808 727 cowbell atmospheric rhythm mGoKU traincore stfu nerd 16k unique lofi semidescriptionc descriptioncore heart-magic 7 mae cheerful c car harumitopia (゚Д゚ ) piano relaxing 6561 castlevania!!! shred feels nostalgia-ish empowering epic moody victracker fun out of tune catchy nice loopy paintcore not plagiarized calm chill nobus ong knobs spastic ujicocore kawaii D'n'B dnb breakbeat synthy neo-azuracore azuracore hi azura pretty ramen final fantasy PLAYSTATIOOOOOON legit (!) (E) (J) playstation battle steak battlestation final fantasy 7 final fantasyVII battlestation 1 boxart pray station parody mario kart 8 checkboard spoofs mayo_krat checkered flag Mario Karts springtrucks warped pattern voices inspiring corporate sold uplifting metadata n00b speedcore? not malmen pig energetic Wesley Willis McDonalds vintage-ish cheery fakebit Booyyaa !! cloudy dreamy nujabes bknox-ta A-zu-ra losing 1P Jimm 2P Azu major quality twinkly ptnoise summer pomf~ website sonic melancholic aww crabbandicoot lonely stroll B) l0l fo.sho funny titlecore Rushed good petrushkore BZZ YES actual music hihi ringtone ow aggressive key peaceful hill fetish medieval not jimmyoshi HD azuracore katamari Azura Wins Again avocado points nostalgic-ish wave-ish warm-ish water field recording ambient pansexual (c)hill fetish abstract stroll text-mode Space damn you azura Second Place.p tcop not again ouch my ears bagpipes A-zu-ra Wins Aga punchy Azura Wins mp3 millionare Apsarah Blew It keffle corn azura lost to the point logo PDPN minecraft 2P Azu 5P Jimm sincx stahp 2P Jimm 4P Azu A-zu-ra Night incredible sun man horizon upbeat MIDI M I D I new azuracore storytelling empty rolling voice sample sad funk chippy mysterious circular silent hill piano solo beat vocal mixing edm anger melody jingle percussion bass groovy mario paint chords lullaby art business wowzers glitch generic amazing Water level delicate elegant fm rc tycoon 3 flange dog Mad Drums rolls Casio CTK-150 warm d&b drone voice speech