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tittle BotBr date score favs format
Robomantic Beach Strobe
2012-08-28 19:01:10 Σ21.070 4
Dale más chiptune ui
2013-01-19 22:28:35 Σ22.342 3
Sleepy Softy Snaky Nightmarez Mordekai
2009-05-31 01:45:22 Σ18.096 2
SnakeS in mah hair Chip Champion
2009-05-27 16:27:36 Σ18.914 4
Medusa Oblongata Emartransformo
2009-05-30 16:30:51 Σ20.517 7
Grecian Turmoil and Victory Baron Knoxburry
2009-05-31 21:47:35 Σ21.097 3
PKL ui
2009-05-31 21:34:53 Σ21.934 3
serpentspine chunter
2009-05-30 13:58:30 Σ22.408 4
toejam duckslingers
2009-06-01 00:01:58 Σ23.838 5
medusa blues zeekay
2009-06-01 00:08:44 Σ24.082 7
Ophidian Forest Adventures µB
2009-05-28 15:44:55 Σ25.088 10
Trefoil xaimus
2009-05-31 21:09:37 Σ31.232 27
Mother Nature Romash
2018-04-08 05:43:46 Σ18.961 3