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tittle BotBr date score favs format
Old Cementery erock
2018-06-02 15:02:58 Σ15.166 5
Special Broadcast LumpyTouch
2018-01-13 02:40:54 Σ28.800 28
Slappy mothman
2017-12-29 02:58:17 Σ21.319 3
2018-02-02 08:38:01 Σ21.905 13
Walk the Walk kgb525
2018-01-28 13:31:35 Σ28.477 42
Dorky Road Trip Wrynthe
2020-06-25 19:20:02 Σ20.455 9
Heat Shimmer noxyoursox
2020-06-27 18:08:49 Σ20.955 9
Stranger Danger chuneboi
2020-10-19 22:18:20 Σ28.458 24
Of Chords You Can! RevvoBolt
2024-01-16 13:35:43 Σ23.468 8
Vic-end with Uncle Wegfrei
2024-01-20 12:29:42 Σ22.058 3
Wheat and Chaff MCN
2024-01-11 10:30:13 Σ23.931 5