Level 15 Chipist
Sega Master System

heart magic 
173rd Σ4.988

brain tech 
92nd Σ5.434

bleep plan 
77th Σ5.601

tweak tact 
116th Σ5.262

our winter pants 
172nd Σ4.871

stuttered by hamper
  122nd/348   Σ26.157   Jan 17th 2024 4:01am
almost gone nuts with this one. Sneven Tracker is a great tool, but the chip itself kinda defeated me. one waveform only from A-1 upwards + three noises, flaky volume control (tried to utilize this to my glitchy advantage), it makes most other soundchips shine in comparison indeed. must have been really cheap to become such a popular choice among hardware developers?

or maybe it just wasn't made for BEATMAKING. :)

pardon the whining - here's my risky take on SN52375691382401983697236958 (i will never memorize the exact name) idm. now on to 24k MOD jazz i guess, or was it SID 8580 j-pop... ;)

previous entry
Yuzu - Banger Fairchill

nextious entry
agargara - lonely snowplow
Level 31 Chipist
post #182984 :: 2024.01.17 6:41am
i definitely dig what you came up with! once the beat drops onwards i am so down with it. little stutters and bleeps everywhere! colorful chords! nice phrasing!

there is a cute trick that combines square3 with noise to make a low-width pulse bass, but that sacrifices your noise, so i don't think it would've been especially helpful here where you're using a ton of little noise attacks. Sneven toggles this using the ""duty"" macro iirc (since this is modified famitracker)... the "C" noise pitch combined with muted notes in square3 makes it happen. i think. pretty sure i remember that right.
Level 24 Chipist
post #183881 :: 2024.02.03 12:29am
Hey this is pretty neat! You got some good sounds out of the chip. So far I've enjoyed every song of yours I've heard
Level 27 Chipist
post #185367 :: 2024.02.21 10:35pm
love the chords, and nice job with the beat despite the limitations!
Level 23 Chipist
post #186464 :: 2024.03.07 8:54pm
This sound is Fantastic
Nice Intro Transition, Good Chords :D

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