  Dec 18th 2024 5:29pm
quasi-baroque sarabande for weird pandatracker synths. there's something very funny about the notion that this little 'ohc tracker geared for beginners' is equipped with some of the most bizarre and hard-to-use sounds. just give a girl some simple square waves, sines, saws, triangles. come on

advent diary day 18: i have not used pandatracker since its inclusion in advent 3 years ago, and i will probably not use pandatracker again until its inclusion in a future advent some years from now.

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syntheticgoddess - little mazurka for little dancers

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Frag - Reindeer Festival

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Level 25 Chipist
th4 D34D
post #204592 :: 2024.12.18 9:43pm
  damifortune liēkd this
I think using a piece of trash like this once in a while is a great exercise in overcoming the challenges we face with various trackers and other programs. It's not a great, fleshed out piece of software, but you can still manage to make really nice sounding things if your head is in the right space. And that's what I like about this sort of project idea. But also Panda fxing sx ish for real.

On that note, really nicely done little track despite the challenges!
Level 31 Chipist
post #204616 :: 2024.12.18 11:19pm
  th4 D34D liēkd this
thanks! yeah perhaps that sounded more bitter than it really deserved, all things considered i had an okay time making my entry and it turned out alright, it's just... such a silly piece of software and it's easy to see why it only gets used on occasions such as these. maybe it could've turned out cool! but because its final version is this work in progress there's so much baffling about it lol.
Level 32 Chipist
post #204753 :: 2024.12.20 12:57pm
  damifortune liēkd this
this is so damicore, but also feels like the friendly rpg beginner town theme (sorry for the boring video game comparison)
Level 24 Chipist
post #205726 :: 2024.12.27 10:45am
  damifortune liēkd this
I was hoping someone would do a sarabande, this is really nice!
Level 27 Chipist
post #208336 :: 2025.01.13 10:00pm
  damifortune liēkd this
Very strong contrapuntal writing! The delay effect is a nice touch too, makes it sound like it's being performed in a hall.

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