
ambient cars cute moody

Level 31 Chipist
post #115600 :: 2019.11.12 5:49pm
  ordinate liēkd this
i really like the idea, but if the rule of the battle is "saw waves and drums only" and you're using ambient noise in your entry, it's not really following the bit pack imo.
Level 22 Mixist
post #115602 :: 2019.11.12 5:59pm
  Viraxor liēkd this
  Jangler hæitd this
fuck you and also die
Level 23 Chipist
post #115603 :: 2019.11.12 6:03pm
  ordinate liēkd this
ah yes
enslaved anger
Level 27 Renderist
post #115605 :: 2019.11.12 6:23pm
  argarak, kleeder and ordinate liēkd this
ordinate: let's make some things straight here. i don't care who you like or don't like here. certain things you don't post. you're no dummy. whatever self-sabotaging shit you got going on, i pray for you. stick to your creative input around here and keep your comments and bad vibes to yourself for the next month. you're an adult. let's not "shit in our own dogbowl" here.

you both are valued members here. move on and keep creating. i'm not laying out some ultimatum for you because i want your path to be positive and enjoyable for everyone. be well and be good.

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