

mr bean christmas special
  Dec 15th 2024 2:43pm
renose this:

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sean - cold construction

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Melon - Coconut Disaster

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Level 22 Chipist
post #204194 :: 2024.12.15 5:37pm
  Surfcroc liēkd this
I wasn't expecting this transition ah ah Loving the phrasing of your instruments!

I exported a render for your entry from audacity, but unfortunately it doesn't include the transition. If you want to make a render including the beginning of the 2nd loop, I guess the best option is to record the audio from your desktop with Audacity for instance (I can do it for you if needed, in the case you are using the free Renoise version, it's supposed to produce some hissing just to make you order a license :/ )
Level 21 XHBist
post #204231 :: 2024.12.16 12:18am :: edit 2024.12.16 12:19am
Thank you for the render! I decided it would be better to include the transition, so I made my own. I am using a free version of Renoise though, so if there are any inaccuracies feel free to replace it (it sounds good to me...) :D

(also my version is slower for some reason...)
Level 27 Chipist
post #204501 :: 2024.12.17 11:18pm :: edit 2024.12.17 11:21pm
I like the automation on the distortion effect in pattern 3, makes the bass sound really cool!

edit: > it's supposed to produce some hissing just to make you order a license
I think Renoise demo only hisses when it's acting as a ReWire Slave. Recording via loopback to audacity etc. has no hiss as far as I know

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