let us in
  Dec 1st 2024 8:34pm
wind is cold. air is crisp.
our breath is but a vapor wisp.
in the sky, dark and stars.
we come from the planet mars.

let us in. turn up the heat.
give us wine, give us meat.
let us in, before we die.
our home is far beyond the sky.

crunching boots. snow is white.
frosty hills. dim starlight.
ship is crashed. no way home.
in search of help, we martians roam.

let us in. turn up the heat.
give us wine, give us meat.
let us in, before we die.
our home is far beyond the sky.

mind is mist. voices quiver.
all is black. bodies shiver.
vision fades. frozen lung.
now our final hope is sung.

let us in. turn up the heat.
give us wine, give us meat.
let us in, before we die.
our home is far beyond the sky.


Voice recorded from Mac OS 9 "Fred" in SimpleText

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Level 24 Chipist
post #202401 :: 2024.12.01 9:37pm
  agargara liēkd this
Is this Fred?
Level 27 Chipist
post #202403 :: 2024.12.01 9:41pm
  Prestune liēkd this
Yes, it is indeed Fred! I didn't have access to a Mac but I wanted to use the Fred voice, so I used SheepShaver to emulate Mac OS 9. I edited the description to credit good ol' Fred
Level 22 Chipist
post #202521 :: 2024.12.02 10:08am
  Prestune and agargara liēkd this
Wow it's like a mix between Radiohead's Fitter Happier and an acid trip during Christmas, this is amazing!
Level 31 Chipist
post #202553 :: 2024.12.02 12:22pm
  agargara liēkd this
wow, this is hot stuff! what a cool, distinct, well-thought-out take on the prompt
Level 27 Chipist
post #202628 :: 2024.12.02 9:54pm
  agargara liēkd this
Very creative take on the prompt, and well done!

Fred reminds me of goofing around on Warcraft II. Some friends and I would go to our local college to play it on the Macs at their computer lab, and mid game would chat something like "my favorite number is 52875289789781441144979894" and listen to Fred rattle off on everyone's computers all the large number names like "three hundred twenty four duodecillion" and on down the line lol
Level 23 Mixist
post #203463 :: 2024.12.08 2:19pm
  agargara liēkd this
Love the lyrics, love the synth timbres, love the chords (especially those big pitch bends)!
Level 23 Mixist
post #204090 :: 2024.12.14 10:04pm
  agargara liēkd this
One more thing I love about this entry: the theme of "travelers from far away seeking shelter" is uniquely Christmasy!

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