

None yet! =D/
Level 28 Chipist
post #67850 :: 2016.05.19 3:56pm
  ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
it wasnt that it was bad as such, its more that it wasnt an original song and that what this compo was after.

try making original songs for compos (unless otherwise stated in the rules) and things will go so much better for you. keep on tracking x
Level 23 Pedagogist
post #67853 :: 2016.05.19 4:32pm
yea; not that much in my case but is of no good being hostile towards something one did worked into as you saw in IRC, better to put a warning somewhere that every cover on this kind of compo gets you flamed, hope this does not happen to someone with a bad day tho

btw; thanks for your support, is really appreciated.
Level 28 Chipist
post #67855 :: 2016.05.19 4:39pm
  ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
i agree - its always good for others to have more of an open mind as to where people are at with botb and its rules, as this site can be quite confusing to get used to.
Level 21 Criticist
post #67859 :: 2016.05.19 7:21pm :: edit 2016.05.19 7:25pm
  ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Botb is not a site that welcomes covers. Decadent Decade was the only exception. It's actually against the rules on the whole site.

"- All entries should be original works - no covers or previously uploaded entries are allowed (in case of former - they MIGHT be allowed if it's set by the rules, and it mostly doesn't stretch farther than OHB songs). Ideally the songs composed should have been composed specifically for the OHB and not pre-composed at an earlier time... "
Level 14 Pixelist
Blaze Weednix
post #67864 :: 2016.05.19 8:38pm
  mk7 and ViLXDRYAD liēkd this
Just a n00b mistake, there's nothing more to it. imo it's not okay to be hostile about it but some people might just take it more seriously than others.

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