This is what playing Doom in a secretly unlocked brutal difficulty might sound like.
when Doom came out I just had the Apple IIe and Sega Genesis and we all played Mortal Kombat. missed Doom the first time around. my first Doom experience past E1M1 was making a map in nitro's "extending funute's battle" XHB. an Action Button YouTube review got me to fire up Doom for real.
after a level or two, a stop-start riff on the MIDI guitars kicks in. no way! feels kinda like Helmet's Unsung. this rules. a level or two later, horns come in, smth's familiar; tribute to Pantera's This Love with completely diff arrangement style? maybe. at last I mow down two big pink dudes with horns and credits roll. holy shit. I know this! Overkill? close. SOD! Sargent D has arrived. someone really likes the same stuff I do. and all these music chunks come together in a blues kinda way. unreal. I jammed metal with blues dudes but we never made this. credits showed "Robert Prince". this must be the Bobby Prince I hear about here!
kept things as close to spec as I knew. 210bpm. 90 seconds. 8 channels. playable on guitars and bass in E standard. drums doable on one kit. chunky end part also has synth playing unison and parallel major thirds. added the song to a Doom II wad w Slade, renamed the song "D_RUNNIN" so Doom could find it, and play tested in Chocolate Doom. music looped smooth! volume levels felt good to me.
all here adds to the commons -- add this to Doom maps or do what ever feels right. happy hacking!