Chip Champion
Level 31 chipist

43rd Σ4.516

32nd Σ4.700

23rd Σ4.987

3rd eye shocktart 
44th Σ4.416

visionquest in pants 
39th Σ4.491

de la vie, de la mort et des chats
  36th/82   Σ23.111   Sep 5th 2019 7:32pm
i don't have fancy fotoshop so i had the great idea to just use graphx gale for sloppy cuts collage style. uses various photography i've taken over the course of my life and also my cats. french title for maximum pretentiousness

This work includes 5 images in a series loosely based around the journey from life to death. They are as follows:

1. Light

Hark, oh glorious day! With vigor we rise from the dust and seek our fate, for good or ill.

2. Fear

I have learned now what hides in the dark, yet it is what hides in the hearts of men that is most deadly and most foul.

3. Sailing

We travel now brimming with optimism and hope. Though it is desperation that drives us, we do not so intently heed its sour voice.

4. Madness

When one has seen too much, it pours from their eyes and their minds. No one may hope to contain the insanity that is experience.

5. Meeting The End on the Path

And as I walked down the path, I came across The End. I lamented that there were no great feats to my name, if at least I had no wicked ones. Yet, he spoke unto me: "do not fret, there is no right way or wrong way. Once upon me, this path shall never branch." And I felt a true and complete solace, and I fell into His fuzzy embrace. And His voice rumbled with satisfaction: "I have missed you, old friend."


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FlashyInfinitum - Together
Level 21 Chipist
post #114655 :: 2019.10.09 7:59am
I love the kitties!!! Awww I'm surprised this entry hasn't gotten more attention!

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