Level 28 Mixist
Pure Data [vanilla audio]

99th Σ4.991

84th Σ5.259

70th Σ5.283

flower power 
91st Σ5.042

spring in pants 
75th Σ5.277

blip generator v2.2
  81st/241   Σ25.851   Jun 4th 2023 7:49am
thanks to this unexpected spring tracks extension this is finally done. i was working on random pd bits last week trying to create a grid sequencer (it was kinda borked) and pd is not the greatest platform for creating sequencers (it's extremely laborious). and i gave up after last week because i started to hate the patch. but we're here and i've picked up the pieces again to finish this.

i repurposed some of that hacky code to make '16gridstep' which i used to store some generative sequences for the bass line and some clicky percussions.

this is a kind of 'infinite musicbox' style patch. didn't experiment much with synthesis this time around, things are mostly filtered square waves or my reused percussion abstractions. i implemented randomised chord strumming and some sidechain to things which is somewhat new?

i used an abstraction called 'mscale' written by ingox on the pdpatchrepo forums
which quantizes a midi note to the nearest scale note given a root and a set of scale notes. the patch changes the root and the chord progression once every 512 ticks (thereby also changing the bass line and melody as they are based on those things). the root and scale are global so it's easy to change them in the patch.

a little bit of spicy atonality on root change. i don't know why it happens but i'm fine with it being there.

oh and hey after writing all of this i found out that yet again (who would have thought) the patch didn't work inside of vanilla pure data!!!! because of my garbage stereo delay abstraction that doesn't work because i need to use delread4~ and i changed it and then it didn't work still!!! why?!?!?!?! in any case i changed the delays to be outside of the abstractions. it's like this patch must make me suffer more. please. i don't want to work on this anymore why do more problems have to show up!!! this program is garbage!!!!! watch me crawl back to it in the future anyway. i've only got myself to blame. what a pain. thanks for the headaches.

previous entry
Viravax - Sunrise, Sunrose

nextious entry
SnugglyBun - Seize Over The Enemy Forces!
Level 28 Chipist
post #171712 :: 2023.06.07 3:28pm
  kinkinkijkin, cabbage drop and argarak liēkd this
you have some very high expectations on what you want pd to do, based on what you are capable of getting it to do already - so while you see frustration, we're just like 'how the heck' haha
keep shooting for the moon though. got a full year cooling off period until the format shows up again!
Level 28 Mixist
post #171727 :: 2023.06.08 4:53am
  kinkinkijkin, cabbage drop and damifortune liēkd this
yeah and there lies the problem... high expectations heheh. it's a blessing and a curse as with many things. there's just a lot that went wrong throughout the process and i didn't exactly have a coherent idea of what i wanted to do. so it was a combination of problems, not really liking how it sounds and having my ears blasted multiple times that made me almost shelve it entirely. and then the dumb inconsistency between writing buffers in the purr-data fork i was using that pushed me over the edge a little heh (i actually fixed the issue in the past and forgot that i did). i will jump ship onto another fork i think. plugdata looks good, i think i'll use that one for the foreseeable future.
Level 31 Chipist
post #172112 :: 2023.06.11 7:46pm :: edit 2023.06.11 7:47pm
  cabbage drop and argarak liēkd this
sorry to hear that you had such a dang frustrating time working on this, but i'm really enjoying how it turned out nevertheless and i hope that helps even 0.1% towards making it feel worth it lol
Level 18 chipist
post #172394 :: 2023.06.16 9:50am
  argarak liēkd this
great blips, thought this was SID for a second....

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