Chip Champion
Level 31 chipist
AdLib soundcard

solar power 
72nd Σ5.092

naked power 
37th Σ5.399

cool breeze 
78th Σ4.976

face melt 
41st Σ5.253

burning pants 
32nd Σ5.251

biomech 3
  42nd/222   Σ25.970   Jul 7th 2013 12:41pm
the biomech was in its 3rd stage of self initiated development... and what should have resulted in a more sleek and efficient machine has instead created some monstrosity.

"why does the damnable thing still have so many fleshy bits?" I ask the good doctor

"and why does it still need to eat?"

the doctor looks on at his creation with an unnerving grin.

"yes..." he answers to no question in particular "and isn't she beautiful?"

*ps i ran out of patterns in rad olololol


previous entry
HertzDevil - Extends Levant

nextious entry
DalekSam - (Fix) Summer? More like Purgatory
Level 24 Chipist
Interrobang Pie
post #30988 :: 2013.08.11 7:34am
  Xemogasa liēkd this
Reminds me of Vectorman... very nice!!
Level 21 Chipist
post #31596 :: 2013.08.23 7:33am :: edit 2013.08.23 7:34am
It does have a very strong Vectorman vibe.

also Frankenstein physique
Level 3 Playa
kool kitty89
post #31903 :: 2013.08.31 1:06pm
Has kind of a Zyrinx Genesis music feel to it, or Batman and Robin. (which used the Zyrinx sound driver)

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