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  Dec 4th 2024 2:04pm
W e l c o m e t o W O R M

b r a i n W a v e
O p t i m i z a t i o n
a n d
R e l a x a t i o n
M u s i c

y o u 'r E fffI n 3 ( u r juS t f 1n E)

* / * :( :( > :| :| > :) :) : ) * / *

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looking at, reading, holding, or in any way engaging in any function that one could reasonably categorize as cognitive in nature while using WORM, subsidiary products within the WORM line, or any product ever associated with WORM Corp. hereby constitute indemnity of the WORM Corp. for any resulting consequences incurred by USER, including, but not limited to, sleepwalking, speed-walking, extreme pasta-making, random fits of yelling, spontaneous combustion, bovinophobia, loss of feeling in both femurs, or a sudden yearning for canned soup.

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Level 31 Chipist
post #203018 :: 2024.12.05 10:05am
the sampling adds such a nice touch, and the way the parts start glitching out is very fun and exciting to listen to!

i've heard you do this chilled-out vibe in FM before but hearing you accomplish something very similar with just the wavetables is awesome too
Level 27 Chipist
post #203146 :: 2024.12.06 12:44pm
the glitch aesthetic is really effective, I like that the music remains to lull you into a comfy place but slowly turns more neurotic.

y o u 'r E fffI n 3 ( u r juS t f 1n E)

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